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"Here you go, Tim." I set his plate down in front of him. A small smile plastered his lips.

"Thank you." He said.

I sat myself between Tim and Becks, while Tate and Mike sat across from us. I could tell Becks was still looking for Kyle. When she finally laid her eyes on him I could see her eyes almost water. "Oh my god, guys. What did you do to him?" She said and began to get up from her seat and rush over to him. He was in pretty bad shape. He had a cast on his arm, one of his eyes were swollen shut and he had black and blue all over. It looked like every step he took was painful.

"Jesus Christ, y'all couldn't have went easy on him? You know he's not a fighter like you guys." I said. Mike got up and went after Becks.

Tate just shrugged his shoulders. "I told him to back off and beside that wasnt all just us. After one of my fist to his face, I think I knocked him out, and once the brawl started he just got trampled on. I tried to move him to safety, but I was fighting for my life. "

I can't believe this is the guy I like. I rolled my eyes. "Oh my little owl, whenever you roll your eyes my heart goes pitter patter."

I ignored his little attempt at....well I'm not sure what to call it? Was he flirting? I shook my head trying my best to not think about him. I began to stare and pick at my food. What was the point of me still being here, I'm not hungry, and I'm pretty sure Becks is gonna be preoccupied. I can just get up and got to my next class now, and get some work done before the bell ring. But it would be kind of messed up to leave Tim here by himself. Especially, when he's on crutches. What if he needs help to his next class? But Tates here and he's the person i should be avoiding anyway. Yeah he'll be alright. Ok get up.

I didn't move.

Come on, Meloni! Get up! Get out of your he-

"-ittle owl." Tate whispered in my ear causing a shiver to go up my spine. I jerked away from him almost slamming into poor Tim.

"I'm so sorry, Tim." I said trying my best to ignore Tate.

"You alright?" Tim asked as I began to straighten myself. I nodded sheepishly. I could feel my heart beating in my throat. I was able to slow my breathing down before anything worst happened. Jesus Christ this dude will be the death of me.

"I'm fine." I said with a sheepish smile. I turned toward Tate. "Look, if we are gonna be around each other. There are somethings we need to make clear. One, don't scare me like that again. Like ever. If I'm in deep though like that, just tap my shoulder like a normal person." I said sternly.

"What? You don't like me whispering sweet nothing in your ear." He said low sultry voice. Lord have merthy on my soul.

I ignore his statement and tried to focus on what I was trying to say. "Two, no touching. At least not until I can sort out my feelings. You touching me every three second doesn't necessarily help with that."

"There's nothing to sort out, you like me. That's that. Besides, you said you don't want a relationship, so we'll be fine. Little owl,-" I cut him off.

"Lastly, we are not doing that damn painting together." I said finally.

"Don't you think your over exaggerating a bit?" Tate said. It seemed like he was getting more and more annoyed by the second but I could care less. I needed to protect my heart. Shit. It's already damaged. Literally. And las thing I need is to fall even harder for guy who doesn't feel the same for me.

I rolled my eyes and ignored him. And focused back on my food. Didn't I say that I was leaving? And yet here I am still talking. Good god woman, just get up and go.

"We're doing the painting." He said matter-of-factly.

I turned to look at him but before I could speak he put his hand over my mouth. "Listen, I'll follow all your stupid rules. I won't whisper in your ear or surprise you in anyway. I won't even touch you. We already promised Mrs. R and she's my favorite teacher and not gonna let her down. So me, you, my house after school. I'll be the perfect gentleman. What do you say?" He said with his signature smirk. And I could feel my wall crack as I nodded my head yes.

He moved his had from my mouth and patted my head. "See now was that so bad?" He said. I rolled my eyes.

"You do realize you already broke one of her rules right!" Tim said. I almost forgot he was here. "You literally just broke the no touching rule." Tim said with a smirk.

"That didn't count." Tate said.

I can't believe I just agreed to spend another evening alone with Tate. I was meant to be avoiding him. Trying to stop like him. And now I'm spending the day with. What the hell is wrong with me?

I would be lying if I said a big part of me wasn't as happy as a clam but this could go terribly wrong and the only person that'll get hurt is me.

Or maybe the same thing that happened last time will happen this time. Another kiss? I but my lip just thinking about the other day. His lips were so soft and god his hands. The way they-


This is the exactly why I should be alone with him. I'm over hear day dreaming about our kiss, when he literally said that he only sees me as a friend. I slap my hand on my cheeks. Come back to reality girl. Come back.

The boys beside me seemed to be in a middle of a conversation. Clearly oblivious to me having a mental breakdown.


My eyes wandered over to Mike, Becks, and Kyle. The seemed like they were in deep conversation. Mike seems tense. Becks seemed worried and Kyle. Well Kyle looks high. And he probably is. High and bruised.

Lord. How is Becks gonna handle that?

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