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Me and Becks walked side by side down the stairs to the kitchen.

"Girls! So nice of you to join us! Set the table while the boys and I get the food." My dad said yelling from behind the sink.

We nodded and began fixing up the table. I couldn't help but steal a few glances toward Tate. He seemed completely fine. As if nothing happened. Like he was completely unfazed. I could feel a twinge in my heart. Did he really regret it? He made it clear he still only saw me as a friend, but then why did he kiss me back? Did I read the signals wrong?

I mean but he clearly enjoyed it cause he had a bone-

"Girls!?" My dad shouts. My head turns toward my dad who was carrying a container with food in it. He looked between me and Becks who stood across from me. She must've been lost in thought like I was.

"How bout you guys just sit down and me and the boys will finish up? Okay?" He said with a worried smile. Me and Becks slid in our seats and waited for the table to be set.

The dinner wasn't terrible. Don't get me wrong it was still awkward as shit but it wasn't terrible. Thanks to my dad, it went pretty smoothly, but if my dad was T there we would all be sitting in awkward silence.

"Dinner was delicious, sir." Said Mike. The boys were about to head out, you could tell that they were reluctant to leave. I could just imagine what they would have to go home to. I've only heard good thing about Mr. Mancini from my dad, but the boys don't seem to share his sentiments.

"You boys are welcome anytime." He said. He shook all there hands and looked at me and Becks. "I'm gonna go clean the dishes. Why don't you girls show them out?" He said.

Me and Becks nodded. The five of us began to walk in silence to the door. We made it to the door and we stood awkwardly for awhile. Tim and Mike exchanged a look. What are they planning?

"Hey Becks. Could you help me take Tim to the car?" Mike said after clearing his throat.

Becks looked like she wanted to protest, but they Tim gave her a look and she just nodded in agreement. They went on either side of Tim and helped him down our porch. So now it was only me and Tate.

Ah. This was there plan. I wonder if Tate was in on it or if Tim and Mike didn't without them knowing. I finally glance aver to a visibly annoyed Tate. So he wasn't in on it.

Huh. What's so bad with being alone with me now?

"So?" I said grabbing his attention.

"So?" He said in a mono tone.

"Did you really regret it?" I asked. It was the only thing on my mind all night. His words literally were on repeat in my head since he said it, and I refused to let him leave with out telling me.

He shrugged his shoulders, refusing to look at me. "No and yes. It was great, but I don't think we should do it again. Especially, since there are feelings involved. Your a cool person, but I don't want to lead you on. If I would've know that was your first kiss I wouldnt have-"

"Are you serious? Why'd you kiss me back if you knew you were going to regret it?" Was all I was capable of saying. His gaze finally met mine. I'm usually able to see something in those eyes. Something warm and sweet. But now it's like he shut it off. There's nothing there.

He shrugged again. "I'm not the boyfriend type, little owl."The usual playfulness in his voice when he said my nickname was gone.

A cold laugh left my lips. "What make you think I want you as my boyfriend?" I said returning the cold tone. I kept my face straight and my eyes on his.

"You said you liked me." He said.

"I know what I said. And I meant what I said, but just because someone said they like you doesn't mean they go straight to dating. First you try to get to know each other and talk more, and explore those feelings. But from how you reacted to everything, clearly it one sided." He stared at me blankly.

"It's just a silly high school crush. I apologize if I made you uncomfortable with my feelings. I'll respect your boundaries and act accordingly. I'll keep my distance from here on out." I said stepping back from him. His eyebrows furrowed and a bit of disappointment was clear on his face.

"We are still friends, right?" He said. His voice was still a bit cold but there seemed to be a bit of urgency in it that wasn't there before. Don't falter, Loni.

"I don't kiss my friends, Tate." I said colder than I wanted.

His face faltered for a second and before he could say anything his brothers were calling him as Becks made her way back up the porch.

"Loni, I don't want to lose you as a friend." He said. He completely ignore his brother and it seemed like he was trying to put his stone face back on but it was failing.

"Tate let's go, man!" Yelled Mike.

"I said what I said." I didnt even try to cover the coldness in my voice. Before he could get another word out I grabbed Becks and pulled her in the house. "Goodnight Tate." I said and shut the door in front of his face.

Becks stood next to me in silence, as my breathing became erratic. "You ok?" She asked. I nodded and began to pull out the inhaler from earlier out of my pocket.

"Dad!?" I screamed. Making Becks jump.

"Yerp!?" He screamed back.

"Becks is spending the night!" I said. It wasn't a question. I needed her right now.

"Okay!" Was all he said. I began to pull Becks upstairs the den we stayed the night in last time. I let go of her hand and sat on the bed.

"Mi amor, what's wrong? What happened? You seem even more upset than you were earlier."

And I finally broke down. The tears came from my eyes like a waterfall. I cried like a fucking idiot.

His Name Was TateWhere stories live. Discover now