im coming

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We slowly made our way to the couch and sat on the opposite end of the other two. However, we refused to let go of each other. We both were to terrified to let go. I could honestly feel my heart slowly sinking to my ass, and it felt terrible. My breathing was a little off but it was manageable.

"You two gonna stay like that the whole time?" Mike asked

Me and Becks looked at each other and then down at our arms. "Yes." I said

"Si." She said. We both said in unison. I could hear Tate chuckling from hear. He had such a cute laugh.

"Well that's gonna be kind of hard since little owl is my partner and not yours Becca." He said I rolled my eyes at the little owl.

"About that is there anyway we can change part-"before Beck could finish the sentence the boys bother have her a resounding no.

"And why not?" I asked sharply. They were definitely up to something.

Mike gave Tate a look as if to tell him to say something. Tate rolled his eyes and reluctantly started talking. "We already explained why each group is the way they are in class. Mike and Becks are working on the paper and me you are on the visual. That's that." He said sternly.

"And what if one of us doesn't want to work with the other?" I said challengingly. His eyebrow began to raise and smirk appeared across his face.

"Tough." Was all he said.

"Now that that's settled. Why don't you guys separate so we can get into our groups?" Said Mike. We reluctantly pulled away from each other. As soon as we did, Mike was already between me and Becks.

"Come, little owl." Tate said. I slowly made my way to Tate's side of the couch and sat as far away from him as I could. If my heart wasn't on ten before it is now.

"Alright, where should we start?" Asked an excited Mike.

"How about we start on the visual? We can brainstorm some stuff now. And base on what we end up doing we can start the paper. Any ideas?" Though Becks seemed focus I could tell she was a little uncomfortable. Her accent was slightly thicker than usual, and her voice was a little shaky. And I could see her scooting away from Mike.

"What was the theme we picked again?" I asked

"Other people's hate can drive innocent people to a breaking point." Tate murmured to himself.

I looked at him and could see a glimpse of sadness in his eyes but it was soon replaced by rage. I guess he could since me staring cause he soon locked eyes with me and didn't break eye contact. My heart began to pound harder and harder by the second. My breathing began to become irregular. I looked away trying to manage my breathing. I probably look like a fucking weirdo.

"I got an idea. We can do like, two hearts, and there both black, and in between them is a smaller red heart that's slowly turning black on both sides." Said Mike.

We all look at Mike with shock. "That's actually a really good idea. I could paint that or make a 3-D model or something." I said.

"You can paint?" All three said in unison. Not gonna lie felt a little attacked. I nodded.

"Your just full of surprises, aren't ya, mi amor? Seems you and Tate have more in common than you think?" Said Becks with a smile.  I found it hilarious that, even in this extremely uncomfortable situation, Becks is still trying to be a wingwoman.

I looked back at Tate and our eye met again. He was still staring at me. "You like to paint?" I asked him. He shrugged his shoulders in response. I wonder if any of the portraits and paintings on the walls are his?

"Alright, now that we have the basic idea me and googly eyes over here are gonna start on the wrong portion of the project, while you two start on the visual. Cool?" She said with sly smile. I rolled my eyes.

"Cool." Said Tate. He began standing up and walking over to the bean bags in the corner of the room. I stayed where I was, staring at him confused. I suddenly felt a nudge on my leg.

I look over at Becks and Mike and they are both looking at me questioningly. "Go." She whispered.

"You coming, little owl?" He asked as he began to settle in the bean bag. I nodded. I began gathering my stuff. "I'm coming..." I said basically in a whisper.

I awkwardly settle in the bean bag next to him. Every and any control I had over my heart was basically gone I could hear my heart beating my ear.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, little owl. So you can calm down. Stop being so nervous around me." He said while leaning further into the bean bag.

"I'm not nervous. Let's just get this over it with yeah. Did you want to paint or did you want to do a 3-D type model?" I asked trying my best to distract myself from this situation.

"Whatever's fine with me." He said

"Ok. Well, if we do a 3-D model, we'd have to go out and buy materials, but if we do the painting...I already have everything I would need for it-" i said he soon cut me off.

"Let's do the painting. The less time this takes the better. Me and Mike have training." He said. I rolled my eyes. Training? Oh yeah, boxing, I believe. I remember Becks saying something about it.

"Ok." I say. "Do you even know how to paint?" I ask.

"I wouldn't have chose it if I didn't." He said rudely.

"Well excuse me for asking. If your so good then show me some of your work." I challenged. I hope there all shit.

"You already seen most of them." He said nonchalantly. "On your way in. The paintings hung in the hall. I did most of those." He said with a smirk.

My mouth was to the floor. Those painting were beautiful. "Those are yours?!" I said shocked.

"Yep. How bout you? What do yours look like?"  He asked. I immediately regretted opening my mouth. My paintings were basically finger paintings compared to his. "Um....well....they aren't amazing but they aren't terrible..." I said to myself. I refuse to show him them.

"So I guess I'm doing the painting?" He asked with an amused tone. I reluctantly agreed. "We'll do it together, you'll just do most of the painting." He nodded.

I took a peak at Becks and Mike, and can just feel the pulsating awkwardness from here. She's as stiff as a rock and he's clearly filled with joy but trying his best to hide it.

I couldn't help but laugh at there cute dynamic. Though she won't complete admit it herself, but I know she misses them, especially Mike. However I do agree they should make it up to her, and the fact they are trying now makes all the difference. I really do hope thing work out for those two. They would be so cute.

"-le owl. Hello? Little owl!? Did you hear me. I said did you want to start looking at some references and to sketch some ideas?" He said snapping me out of my thought. I nodded my head.

"Do you have sketch book or any art suppliers here? I didn't bring any with me today?" He nodded. He began standing. "Follow me." He said. I nodded and began to follow.

"Where are you two going?" Becks asked. I can feel the nervousness in her tone. I guess she still doesn't really want to be alone with him yet.

"We are going to the Art Room. I promise I'm not gonna hurt your friend we'll be right back." He said. I could see her eyes pleading for help. Maybe I should stay, I mean he can get the stuff by himself, it's not like he really needs me to help.

"Well I can just-" before I could finish what I was saying Tate begins to push me away from the room. "Let's go. We won't be long." He said.

I'm so sorry Becks!!! Forgive me!!!

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