a favor

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Monday came way too fast for my comfort. I tried persuading my dad to let me stay home but he refused. He didn't want me to stay at the house alone. I don't know why. I'm old enough to be left on my own but he was not having it.

Sadly today we start the day off with English meaning, I'll be seeing Tate twice today, and I really don't think I can do this.

I decided to sit in the far back corner and put my bag in the seat in front of me so that Becks could sit there, and just prayed that a random stranger or Tim would sit on my left.

When Becks walked in a smile immediately graced my face, but as fast as it came it left, because behind her was Tate, Mike, and Tim. She quickly made her way over to me and I moved my bag out of the seat.

"Hola chica." She said leaning over giving kisses on the cheek.

"Heyy." I said my voice coming out shakier than intended. "They're here earlier than usual." I said. The boys are usually the last people to come to class.

"Yeah. I have no clue what's going on. They were literally waiting for me in the schools parking lot and then they walked me to class." She whispered.

"Did you ask them why?" I asked.

"Tim said Mike and Tate wanted to come early and that they were rushing him this morning." She said. Poor Tim. Speaking of Tim where is he? I began searching the room for him and realized he sat in front of Becks. Then I look for Mike praying that he's next to me. Nope he sat beside Becks, which means....

"Hey, little owl." He said with a suave grin.

Fuck me.

God. It's me. Meloni. I don't know who put me in the list to be one of your soldiers but please take me off cause this right here.....this ain't it.

I gave him a tight smile and then pulled my attention to the front.

"Little owl, you know you should speak when spoken to." He said teasingly. I ignored him again and just stared at the back of Becks head.

"You know, I should be the one whose mad. After all, you did slam a door in my face." He said.

I turned to stare at him. Really!? You wanna do his now. "Listen here, Mancini,-"

His face visibly darkened with the use of his last name, but before I could even finish my statement the bell rang and the class was about to start. I chose to ignore him, through out the entirety of the class. He would try to get my attention, by throwing stuff and tapping my arm, but I would still ignore him.

The bell finally rung and I was about to bolt out of the class. "Tate. Meloni. Could I see you two for a second?" Mrs. Robinson said.

What now?! Was I about to get in trouble because of Tate. I sent him a glare. And he gave me one of those cute little smirks that always made my heart jump. I rolled my eyes despite myself and walked to the front, Tate followed behind me.

"Yes, Mrs. Robinson?" I asked.

"Well, first, I heard about what happened. I hope your feeling better." She said looking at me. I nodded my head and gave her a smile.

"So she knows but I don't?" Tate whispered to me, making Mrs. Robinson eye him.

"Yes, ma'am. I'm feeling much better thank you." I said warmly. Ignoring Tate.

"Good. Now, the reason I asked for the two of you, is because I need a favor." She said. A favor? From me and Tate. What the hell could the two of us do for her?

"A favor?" Tate said just as confused.

"Yes. The painting the two of you did was very beautiful. Probably, the best I seen in all my years of teaching. You two works so well together that I was wondering if you two could paint a painting for this year school art exhibit next month." She said with excitement. Before I could protest, Tate beat me to it.

"Sure. We'll do it."

"HE can do it, he can draw and paint so he can do it for you." I said.

"Im not that great at drawing and besides two is always better than one." He said as he put an arm around my shoulder. What the hell is he doing?

"Great. The theme of the exhibit is first love. Please show me a rough draft of what you come up with before you paint it and I'll submit it, and secure your spots." She said

"Why do you need us? Im sure there are plenty of people in this school that can draw and paint." I said shoving Tates large arm off of me.

"You'd be surprised." She said in response.

"We got this. Don't worry, Mrs. Robs." He said with that Mancini smile. Before I could protest any further, Tate began pushing me out the room.

"Wait. I didn't agree to this." I said. "Mrs. Robinson!" I screeched. Hoping she would hear me but it was too late we were already in the hall.

Tate stop pushing me and put his arm around my shoulder pulling in whatever direction he wanted. "Now, buddy. What should we do? I was thinking two cupids pointing there arrows at each other and-"

I cut him off. "Tate. What are you doin?" I said looking at the ground not wanting to look at him.

"What do you mean?" He said, acting clueless.

I stopped in my tracks. And looked up at him. "Did you not understand what I said the other day?" I said blatantly.

"You said that you liked me but you didn't want me to be your boyfriend, and that you don't kiss friends." He said matter of factly.

"That's what you got from what I said." Technically he wasn't wrong. That is what is said, but he knows that's not what I meant.

"Yes. Since we are friends we can't kiss. Simple." He said shrugging his shoulders. He's fucking with me right??

"I can't tell if your joking or not." I said

He looked like he was about to say something smart but his eye fixed on something behind me, he quickly grabbed me and shoved behind him. His whole body seemed like it was ready to pounce. He was radiating 'don't fuck with me'.

"Tate?" I said from behind him. Once I took a peek around him, I saw what put him go on edge. It was Thomas.

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