Chapter twenty one

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Junta POV

When we arrived at our hotel, Takato was dozing off a little so I decided to carry him to the room. I got out of the car, went to his side, lifted him out, locked the car and walked to the elevator. When we arrived at our floor, Takato had fallen asleep in my arms. I carried him to our room where I laid him down on the bed and covered him with the blanket. I sat down next to him and just admired his cute resting face. Oh god, How could someone even replace something like this? Or is this even replicable? I murmured and smiled. Im so lucky to have you. Takato suddenly moved which made me snap out of zone. I sighed and stood up again. I love you, always remember that. I said and walked to the door. I opened it and turned around to check if he was actually sleeping. With the knowledge that he was, I left. I had to go to the shooting location to check something. I walked down to the car again and started to drive towards the location. When I arrived half an hour later, I was already seeing a lots of cars which were parked infront of the big building. I locked up my car and went in. I immediately noticed some random guy running across the big entrance hall. He saw me, stopped and walked towards me. Hey, are you Junta Azumaya? He asked me and I nodded. Okay perfect. Please come with me. I assume you are here to check on the location of the shooting and meet some of the people? He said and I nodded again. Yes thats right. I just wanted to make sure everything is going the way its supposed to go. I said and he smiled. After a few minutes of walking and having a bit small talk we arrived at a door which he opened and I was met by a bright light coming from the room. I walked in and saw a lots of people running, walking and sitting around. It was the shooting room. Everything was set up and there was a woman standing infront of the white background. They were taking photos while she had to put herself in really weird looking positions. I then turned around and followed the guy, whos name was Thomas. He was walking towards some dark dressed guy sitting on a chair and when he noticed someone approaching he stood up and started to walk towards Thomas. He then stopped and whispered something to him which made me question a lot of things about this guy. I sighed and turned around, deciding that I would be better of alone. Not soon after I found myself in a bright hallway which had directions on it. I started to walk around and saw a door leading back to the entrance hall. When I arrived there I pulled out my phone and dialed Takatos number, wondering if he was awake already. I dialed his number and after a few seconds he picked up. Hey Babe, I see that youre awake now. I said and I heard him yawn through the phone. Yeah, Ive just woken up. Where are you by the way? Oh yeah I forgot to tell you, Im at the shooting location for tomorrow. I just wanted to check it out and get used to the new environment. I explained. I wanted to leave you a note but your sleeping face was just to beautiful to look at that I forgot about it. I chuckled as I knew that he was flustered on the other side of the phone. Stop it. Anyways, when are you coming back? He asked and I looked at my clock. I think in around maybe an hour or two. I dont know how much there is for me to look at but when Im done Ill text you. I said. Okay, do you want to go eat something afterwards? I recently came across this really nice sushi place and I would love to try it. He said in an asking tone and I nodded. Yeah, that would be great. You can send me the address and we can meet there. Just send me the time youll be arriving. Yeah. See you soon, I love you. I Love you too. With that he hung up and I put my phone away. I decided to search for Thomas to ask him some questions I had written down in my phone. As I walked around I came across the cafeteria, the staff room and the restrooms. I looked into a few rooms, met some of the models and had a bit of small talk with them. After a while I found the shooting room and right in the corner I saw Thomas. He was still talking with the guy dressed in black and I just approached them, hoping that I didnt interrupted something important. Hey Thomas, can I talk to you for a second? I just have some questions that I wanted to ask you about the schedule. I said and Thomas turned to me and smiled. Sure thing, but I just need to finish my Conversation. He said and I nodded. I waited beside him and looked around the room a second time to check out everything and everyone that was in the room because I didnt have enough time the first time. While doing so I overheard a few bits of the conversation Thomas had with the other guy. They were speaking really quietly but since I was quiet close I was just able to hear them. the shoot tomorrow better be a success. I dont like it when the models dont give their best. So please make them try hard enough. The guy said with a passive aggressive tone laying in his yet so calm voice. In the corner of my eye I saw Thomas nodding a few times. What the hell?! Why was this guy pressuring Thomas into pressuring the models. I just didnt understood. But before I could think about it even more Thomas was standing next to me and tapped me on the shoulder. So you wanted to ask me something? Quiet irritated I looked at him and slowly nodded, my eyes resting on the other dude who was now walking to the shooting and yelling something in german that I couldnt understand. Oh yeah, so I just wanted to ask you about how everything is planned for tomorrow. I said and as Thomas explained everything my mind was still with the other guy. I knew him from somewhere. His voice was so familiar that it was hurting my brain trying to figure out where I knew him from. Junta, are you listening? Thomas asked and I snapped back to reality. Oh yes, thank you. He gave me a little piece of paper where everything was explained again. I said my goodbyes to him and the team and made my way outside. I got into my car and drove to the sushi place Takato had mentioned earlier. When I arrived I saw him already waiting for me and when he saw me walking towards him, his eyes lit up and he waved at me happily. We hugged tightly and entered the restaurant. We got seated, ordered our food and when it arrived we started to dig in. As we were enjoying the food and talking Takato looked at me with those eyes he always put on when he had something on his mind. I sat down my chopsticks and looked at him. Babe, whats wrong? Taken back by my question his eyes widen and he looked surprised. Oh its nothing. He said, continuing to eat as I still looked at him concerned. No babe, I know you have something on your mind. I can tell. You always have a certain shine in your eyes when you want to talk to me about something. Spit it out, what do you want to say? I asked. He looked at me, swallowed his food and sighed. Okay so I have been thinking about this for a while now and I think its a really great Idea. Please dont immediately reject the thought and just think about it for a few days okay? He said and I was starting to get worried. Babe, youre making me worried. Just tell me, I wont get angry. Just tell me. He sighed again and looked me straight in the eyes. Okay so I was thinking about adopting a child into our family.

A/N: Good day my friends. So I havent died. I just had no motivation to do anything for the past year and Im very sorry for that. Anyways, this is the next chapter, I hope you enjoyed it and I hop I dont take another year to upload. See you, bye! <3

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