Chapter two

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Takato's POV

After we finished watching the show Junta turned the TV of and we walked to our office to plan the wedding. I was a bit nervous but also very excited. We sat in front of the PC and I turned it on. While it was turning on I turned around and looked at Junta with a serious face. I could see his confusion as he noticed my look. „ What's wrong, babe?" I took a deep breath before I opened my mouth. „ Are you really sure that you want to invite my parents to our wedding, because I'm not sure if it would make all of us happy. Maybe they'll ruin our wedding, the best moment in our lives, and we'll regret that we invited them." As he heard my words his smile faded and he spoke in a serious tone:„ Takato. That will be the best moment in your live and I think your parent should be a part of this moment. They should see you while getting married with the person who makes you happy and who is there for you, no matter what!" As I heard his words, I teared up a bit because he was acting cute again. The I got an idea. „ Babe?" I asked and he looked up, directly at me which made me blush a bit but I continued. „ I've got an Idea. Maybe we should call them and tell them that I'm gay and proposed to a boy who's the love of my life...?" Junta looked straight into my face and nodded. „ Okay, I-I'll get my phone." I said, a bit nervous, a bit anxious but also a bit exited. After I grabbed my phone and walked back to the office, the anxiety overwhelmed me and I started to cry. Junta walked to me as he saw my tears and hugged me really tight. „ Everything will be fine. Trust me." I hugged him back, feeling the warmth of his body calming me a bit. After a few minutes I finally calmed down and unlocked my phone. I went to my contacts and pressed the 'call' button on my mom's contact. While it was rining I looked at Junta, who nodded with a serious look on his face telling me that it was the right decision to call my parents. After some seconds, someone took the call. It was my mom. „ Takato? Is this you?" she asked with a hopeful voice. „ Y-Yes it's me, Takato." I answered with a shaking Voice. „ Omg, I haven't heard  you since we got in this big fight four years ago. How are you doing? Did you got a girlfriend? Where do you live? Oh wait, I'll get your father." We heard her yelling and after a few moments I heard the voice of my father. „ Hey son. How you're doing? Did you got a girlfriend yet?" He asked exited. „ I'm doing great and to that girlfriend-thing, I wanted to tell you something, which is why I called you." I could hear a gasp from my mother. « She probably thinks I'm going to get married, which is true but not the way they think.» „ Are you going to get married?", my father asked and I my face went pale. „ Ehm... Would you two please let me talk first, because I want you two to know this now." They went completely silent. „ Okay so... Yes, I am going to get married, but probably not the way you want me to. So what I wanted to tell you is ... that ... I'm... I-I'm gay and I'm going to get married with a man.", I said, just waiting for them to scream at me for being such a disappointment but they were completely silence. I looked at Junta who just shrugged his shoulders. After two minutes, which felt like forever, my mom began to talk. „ Oh, Okay... So ... You're telling us that you are going to get married with a man? Is that so?" „ Y-Yes." My voice was shaking and I started to tremble. I felt a warm hand grabbing mine to calm me down. I looked at Junta who gave me a cheerful look. „ I-it's okay if y-you d-dont want me t-to contact you a-anymore." I said, while I felt a tear roll down my cheek. „No... No. I-it's okay if you're gay, as long as you're happy." She said, not really sure if she believed her own words or not. „Really? Is it also okay for dad?" I asked, hoping she would say yes. „ I'm not sure. Maybe he should tell you himself." I got scared but I also wanted to know his answer. „ Hey Takato, I know it's hard to tell other people about your sexuality, so I'm kinda proud of you that you did it and no matter what we will support you." I sat there in shock, but in a good way. „ So you're telling me that you two will support me and it doesn't matter that I will get married to a boy?" „ Yes! You are our son and nothing will ever change that.", my mom said and I felt tears of happiness rolling down my cheeks."Please don't cry." My Mom said. „ It's just. I was so worried that you wouldn't accept it but you did and it makes me so happy." I said while crying. „ You are our son. Of course we will support you and everything that makes you happy." My dad said. <I think he's crying too.> „ So you're saying that you got a man, right?", my mom asked to change the subject. „ Y-yes?" „ So when will we meet him? I want to see your future husband." I giggled. „ Okay chill mom. I'll change to video call real quick so we can see each other. *after changing to video call* „ Okay, so this is my husband, Azumaya Junta." I pulled him in front of the Camera, so that my parents can see him. „ Hi! Nice to meet you. I'm Azumaya Junta, his husband." He said while smiling with his typical angel smile. My mom and dad's face turned from a straight face to a smiling face. „ Nice to meet you, Azumaya. We're Takato's parents as you probably already know." My mother said while smiling. «It isn't a fake smile. It's an honest smile filled with happiness.» "Hey aren't you the famous actor who played with Takato?" my Dad asked and Junta just nodded. They both looked pretty exided. „ Oh you can call me Junta. I don't like it when people that I know call me Azumaya." He said while smiling a bit akward. „ Okay, then nice to meet you, Junta." My Mom said with a bright smile. „ I think you two fit perfect together." My dad said while smiling. «He's smile is honest too,which mean that they both accept it.» „ Okay. We'll have to hang up now because there is a wedding to plan." My mom looked a bit sad because she wanted to talk with us for a bit longer but after I said that, she said a few cheering words and hung up.

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