Chapter four

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Authors Note
This is a short warning that there will be smut in the next chapter.Also I've only been to two weddings before so I don't know how this works but I'm trying so yeah.

*Wedding day*

Takato's POV
I woke up really early. I was so excited so I couldn't sleep at all. I wasn't even tired. I'm too excited to be tired. „ Hey Takato, open the god damn door." I heard a angry Voice. I hurried to the door and opend it. Junta's Mom and Mr. Sasaki were in front of the door, with a annoyed look on their face. „ Hurry up. We have to go to the location." I nodded and grabbed a few things. I left and locked the door. We took the elevator and went with the car to the location. On our way, I must have shown that I'm nervous, because Junta's mom pated my shoulder to calm me down. She looked at me with a worried look so I smiled at her to symbolics that I'm okay. We arrived at the location, which was a really beautiful church, and went in. There were a few people from my dressing team, who ran to me and pulled me in a little room. There was everything they needed to prepare me for the wedding. They pushed me into a comfortable chair and began to make me ready.

Junta's POV
I'm so fucking nervous. It was 7 am and I may slept 3 hours. I can't wait to see my beautiful husband. I was so much in my thoughts that I literally jumped from the bed as I heard a knock on the door. „Junta? Can we come in?" A soft voice asked. „Yeah...Sure." I said, still in shock. I went to the door and opened it. „Hello, come in." I greed Takato's Mom and my manager Mamoru Taguchi. They entered the room and I grabbed my stuff. We left the hotel and went to the location. We arrived and they pulled me into a small room. I was pushed into a chair and they left me with the words: „we'll be back in a few minutes." I was wondering if Takato is here too. I mean it's already 9 am so he should be here. I decided to sneak out and search him but before I could even get to the door, my Team walked in and I had to stay.

Third Person POV
Junta arrived 15 minutes earlier than Takato. Their families planed it like that so they wouldn't see each other on accident before the ceremony begins. They put Junta in a little room on the left side of the church and Takato on the right side. The Team from each of them were also there to get them ready. While getting them both ready, their families finished everything so the ceremony will be a success. After one and a half hour, the first guests arrived. They were greeted by everyone and they just talked to kill time. After another one and a half hour, most of the guests arrived. Takato and Junta were both ready to go but they had to wait one more hour. *Time skip, the beginning of the ceremony* The church belles began to ring and everybody went in the church and took a seat. After they all sat down, Junta walked, with his father, to the front of the church. He stood there, nervously waiting for Takato. As soon as the church went in silence, they all heard footsteps outside. A few moments later, Takato walked down the aisle.

Junta POV
I was really nervous. I'll see Takato in a few moments. I snapped back to reality as I heard footsteps from outside. I looked to the door and saw my beautiful husband walking down the aisle. My jaw dropped. He looked so beautiful with that outfit. I couldn't take my eyes of off him. He stood in front of me and stared at me as well. We started at each other until the priest showed up beside us. We looked up at him and he started talking. „We are gathered here today to celebrate one of life's greatest moments, and to cherish the words which shall untie Takato Saijo and Junta Azumaya in marriage. Marriage is the promise between two people who love each other, and who trust in that love, who honor each other as individuals, and who choose to spend the rest of their lives together. This ceremony will not create a relationship that does not already exist between you. It is a symbol of how far you have come these past years. It is a symbol of the promises you will make to each other to continue growing stronger as individuals and as partners. No matter what challenges you face, you now face them together, and no matter how much you succeed, you now succeed together. The love between you joins you now as one. The Bride and the Groom have now a few words to share." The priest pointed his hand to Takato to symbolics him that he should speak now. „I, Takato Saijo, take you, Junta Azumaya, to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death will us part." He said. The priest nodded to me and I said:„ I, Junta Azumaya, take you, Takato Saijo, to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death will us part." After I finished the priest said:„ You have declared your consent before the church. You may now kiss the Bride." After he finished I looked at Takato and he looked at me. We were getting closer until our lips connected. It was a soft kiss, but it didn't last long. After we pulled away we heard applause. I looked in his eyes and smiled. He gave me a smile too and we both turned around to look at the crowd. Everybody was clapping in their hand. We started walking towards the entrance of the church and everybody looked really happy. I felt butterflies in my stomach. It was the best feeling I had in the past week. I was so happy to be here with the person I love. I was so happy I could hold his hand right now. I want to kiss him once more. I want to touch him right now, but I have to hold back until tonight.

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