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After taking a shower I wrap a towel around my body and walk out of my bathroom. My phone pings constantly and I check it.

Ever since yesterdsay my mind has been going crazy. Will the principle let everyone know? Of course he will. Everyone will be questionin why I left.

I'm falling for Aiden so I don't blame any of this on him. This is a result of both of our actions. We should have been more careful. It was bound to happen so maybe we should have waited until after my graduation. After all he's going to be here for two more years maybe more afterwards.

Now I've lost my scholorship. It's not about that though. It's the constant judgement I'm getting from everyone even my parents. If I'm being honest I do believe Malinda did this, but why would she.

It's not like Aiden did anything to her. I haven't either and this isn't some fight we can come back from.

Looking at my phone I see a text from Aiden.

Sexy Hunk:Can we talk today?

Not opening his message I move on. I can't see him in the state I'm in. I don't want him doing something or feeling like we should break up because I can't stop crying.

Mom:This is outrageous

Dad: Sweetie I can't believe you decided to sleep with this man. Do you even know him?

Dad: Did you know he was a billionaire? Did he pay you to sleep with him.

Rolling my eyes I reread my dad's message. He really thinks that low of me he thinks I would sleep with someone for their money.

Cali: Melinda hasn't been coming to school. I find it very weird she's been ignoring Sharon and I both.

Me: I don't want to accuse her She's been my friend for years, but everyone is saying she's being suspicious. I'm going to see her today.

Cali: Get rid of all your doubts on whether or not she did it so you can see her..

I reply to Aiden with a yes before putting down my phone and getting ready for the day. I might now have school, but I need to stay productive.


As I pull up to Melinda's house I see her outside gardening her plants. Taking my keys out the ignition I get out of my car. Closing the door I start to make my way up to her.

She doesn't see me at first, but when she does she starts packing up her stuff fast. Walking faster I make it up to her before she runs.

"Good morning Melinda." She doesn't say anything.

"Can we talk? Inside." She stands up and shakes her head.

As she walks inside I follow behind her. She sits on her long couch and I sit across from her on her short one.

"So I just wanted to ask if you had anything to do with everyone knowing about Aiden and I." I question.

Her entire face get's pale, but she doesn't say anything. "Melinda?" I say her name and she looks down.

"I-I your relationship worried me. You two needed to be broken up." Melinda says.

Furrowing my brows I stand up. "What do you mean? We weren't harming anyone and you know we met before I knew he was my professor!"

"Yeah, but you're unhealthily obsessed with your professor. You two shouldn't even be together!" She says.

Rolling my eyes I scoff. "Who are you to say that. Aiden and I are two adults and even after I graduate I planned to be with him." I yell. "You've ruined that though with your big ass mouth. I shouldn't have doubted it was you." I add.

"You've been acting jealous and mad about this whole situation since you found out!" Not hesitating I walk out of her house after giving her the middle finger. Then I get into my car and text Cali.

Me: It was her!

Then I text Aiden.

Me: I'm on my way to your house.

As I drive off the look on Melinda's face plays in my mind. I can't believe she did this to me!


As I pull up to Aiden's house I take a breath. I don't want this between us to end and that message didn't seem good.

Getting out of my car I walk up to his door. As I knock he opens it immediatly letting me inside.

Biting my bottom lip I look up into his eyes.

He grins and wraps me up into his arms. "Hey babe." He smiles.

"Hey." Grabbing his face I pull his face into mine kissing him. He holds me closer taking claim over my lips.

Pulling my face back a bit I ask. "You said we needed to talk?" I ask.

He frowns letting me go and sighing. My heart drops a bit. I'm scared for what he's going to tell me. "I have to go back to London baby."

My eyes drop down to the floor. "Okay? When will you be back?" I ask.

He doesn't say anything for a second and I grab his hand into mine.

"I'll be there for a while Eve." He whispers. My heart drops to my feet. He's basically telling me he's leaving and not coming back. I knew he was leaving, but he said he would come back and try to stay.

Is he only leaving because of what happened. Now that he has no job he's going back to London so he doesn't have to deal with any of this?

Letting go of his hand I back away a bit. He tries to grab my hand, but I move away. Aiden gives me a hurt look.

"So you aren't coming back?" Raising an eyebrow I look up at him.

When he shakes his head I fight back the tears threatening to escape. "We can still make this work though." He motions between us.

Shaking my head I glare at him. "No. You're only leaving because you lost your job. You made me loose my scholarship for you and now you're leaving."

He looks away from me at my harsh words and I suddenly regret him. It's not his fault, but I want to hurt him any way I can.

"Maybe Melinda was right. Maybe I shouldn't have continued this between us." Turning away from him I run out of his door. \

"Evelyn please wait." He calls after me, but I don't stop. I don't want to see him. My emotions are out of control and he's not making them any better.

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