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"So I want to get to know you" He folds his fists on the table in front of him and smirks.

"Okay, I'm going to school to be a dentist. Hence why I'm in your chemistry class." I smile nervously. I don't want to get down into details, but I trust him.

"Oh, what made you decide to be one?" His eyes sparkle with interest. I take a deep breath ready to go back into that sad story.

"My sister...Jane died 5 years ago from a gum disease." I close my eyes remembering her lifeless body. This isn't the time to be getting sad. I'm on a date! I clear my throat and see a sad look on his face.

"Sorry for your loss." He grabs my hand and holds it in his. "Mmm yeah." I take another deep breath.

"I ruined the mood." I lower my head awkwardly.

"No, you didn't!" He squeezes my hand. "This is what dates are all about. I like that you're sharing things with me." he kisses my hand and I see a few women look at me with envy.

"Well, after that happened my parents started going out more. They were broken so they used any excuse not to be in our family home. It started with states. They would leave me alone to deal with my sadness. I didn't have anyone to talk to." I stare at the floor in memory.

"I had just lost my best friend and they wouldn't even comfort me. I got used to it though. They were never around after that. As if they forgot I'm their child." I look back up at him and he kisses my hand.

"Well, I'm here now baby. If you need anyone to talk to I'll listen." He gazes into my eyes and I try to hide my smile.

"So what about you?." I raise an eyebrow.

"Well, I have 2 brothers Owen and Spencer. A little sister Selene and a dog Zachary." He starts and I smile.

"Owen is 27 and Spencer is the same age as you. My little sister is 20." He adds.

"Are you all close?" I ask. "Owen and I are close, Spencer not so much. I love him and all, but he's immature."

I nervously fumbled with my fingers seeing how Spencer and I are the same age. "Selene and I are also close, but she doesn't visit me much." He smiles.

"I'm glad to know you all are close." I bite my lip as he makes eye contact with me again. "This is where I go deep into my life right." He chuckles and I laugh. "Exactly." I caress his knuckles with my thumb.

"I got married when I was 21 years old," he says and my eyes go wide. That means he's been married for seven years. How am I supposed to compete with that?

"How am I supposed to compete with that?" I ask nervously. How could I even be sitting here with him right now knowing he's loved someone for so long.

He furrows his brow and his eyes go dark. "You don't have to compete. Remember I'm here with you not her. You have me not her! I and she are over." He laces his fingers through mine and I smile.

I still feel a little uneasy, but that defiantly made me feel better. "Continue." I purr.

"I married her because I thought I loved her. For 5 years I did, but she started to get mentally unstable." he frowns. I tilt my head with a questioning look.

"Unstable how?" I ask. "When I came home from work a lot of the time she would wait for me in bed with a knife in her hands." My eyes go wide.

"Why would she do that?" I ask.

"She thought I was cheating." he pinches his nose. His ex-wife sounds horrible.

"Of course I wasn't. I would stay late in my office with my brother Owen. She didn't seem to believe me though, as she did it every night. One time she even tried to kill me." he adds and I gasp.

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