Twin Series 2 : Sweet Nothings

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"We'll sleep?" RK asks her gently.

Madhu nods her head in yes.

RK smiles and sits on the bed.

"RK." Madhu softly calls him.

"Yes?" RK turns to look at her curiously.

He sees her extending a glass of milk to him.

"I don't drink milk, Madhu." RK informs her.

"It's a ritual, RK. we have to drink this." Madhu tells him.

"I don't believe in these rituals, Madhu."

"I do." Madhu tells him then she tells him, "Just take one sip, I'll drink the rest."

RK takes the glass from her and takes a sip.

Madhu watches him making puking faces as he extended the glass back to her. she couldn't help smile. She takes the glass from him and drinks the milk. Finishing it, she keeps it on the bed.

RK watches her drink and once she was done, he says "Don't know how you drink."

Madhu smiles. "I like milk."

RK smiles. "Any more rituals?"

Smiling Madhu shakes her head in no.

"We'll sleep?"

Madhu nods and gets on the bed.

They were lying on two ends of the bed. Madhu was gripping her hand in nervousness while RK was shaking his legs in nervousness.

"You're nervous." RK says softly.

"Even you're." Madhu replies.

"Yeah." RK says sighing.

"Why are we so nervous? We're friends, RK." Madhu says in confusion.

"We're husband and wife now."

"that is making us nervous?" Madhu asks him.


"Why? Shouldn't we be more comfortable?" Madhu asks him.

"We should but we are not." RK tells her. he knew why he was nervous; romance was something that always freaked him out.

"What do we do?" Madhu asks him confused.

And that is when an idea occurred to him and he sits up excitedly as he turned to face her. "You know, why we are nervous?"

"Hmmm?" Madhu asks as she sat up.

"Now that we are married... there are certain things that are associated with marriage..." RK says.

Madhu looks at him confused not understanding.

"You know..." RK says as slightly turned his head and with his eyes gestured to the bed.

Madhu curiously looks at him and then asks, "You mean?" she also turns her head slightly and with her eyes gestured the bed.

"Yeah!" RK says relieved that he didn't have to spell it out to her.

"Okaaaay." Madhu says as her cheeks turned slightly pink.

"So we should have a pact." RK tells her excitedly. He was already feeling relaxed.

"What pact?" Madhu asks confused.

"That we will not go in that direction..." RK thinks for a while and says, "till you can tell me apart from my brother and I can tell you apart from your sister."

Madhu looks at him utterly confused and asks, "What does that have to do with this?"

RK's smile drops hearing her question. That is true. He just wanted to be comfortable with her and he hadn't thought this through.

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