A month later, Madhu was getting ready for bed when she hears someone at the door. She turns to find her mother standing there smiling at her. "Yes Mama!" Madhu happily says smiling at her. Padmini walks in and lovingly cups her face, "Look at you. All ready for your marriage." Padmini says smiling. Madhu happily smiles at her then quickly turning back she points at her shoulder, "Mama, scratch there." Padmini chuckles and scratches her back. "You are still a baby." Padmini says smiling. "Mama, scratch a little down." Padmini does. Once the itch was gone Madhu sits on the bed and happily admires her mehendi. "Did you like my mehendi, Mama?" "I didn't get to see your mehendi." Padmini says as she sat next to her daughter and lovingly looked at the mehendi. "Very beautiful. You made her write RK instead of Rishab?" Padmini asks. Madhu happily nods and continues to admire her mehendi. "Madhu, I need to tell you something." Padmini tells her seriously. Madhu turns to her and say cheekily "Don't tell me you want to teach me all about the wedding night." Padmini looks at her scandalized, "This girl... won't even think before talking." Padmini says slapping her on her arms slightly. "I was just joking, Mama. Tell me." Madhu tells her smiling. Padmini lovingly runs her hand over Madhu's hair and says, "Your head is always in the clouds, you are a dreamer. And I know you are filled with all beautiful dreams about your marriage, and you should be. But I want you to remember that you are marrying a human and not a saint. Humans make mistakes. Rishab is just a human, so don't be disheartened if he makes a mistake. You both are from two different families, you were raised differently, your friends were different, and your social circle is different. Always remember that, if he behaves in a way that is difficult for you to understand then remember that he is a different person. What is wrong for you might be right for him and what is right for you could be wrong for him. Marriage is finding that path in the middle where you both can go hand in hand and be happy with each other for each other. Be each other's support and love each other. Every relation has ups and downs, but never let it affect your relation. Accept the other with their short comings. Most important thing Madhu, learn to love his weaknesses, and you will find marriage and life very beautiful." With her mother's golden words in mind and beautiful dreams for them in her heart Madhu went to her marriage.

Madhu was sitting next to Rishab as they went through their marriage rituals. She was seeing him after that day at the college. He never bothered to call her or meet her after that. She happily sat next to him while he sat there without any expression on his face. She smiles at him when he faces her to tie the mangal sutra and put sindoor while he returns her smile with a serious look of his own. She didn't let it affect her as she knew he was still angry with her, she knew unlike her it would take him a while to accept her and she was willing to wait till then because when Rishab Kundra loved, he loved with all his heart. They were asked to get up for saath phere, and he quickly gets up. She puts her hand up to him to help her stand up. Feeling her hand near his waist he looks down to see her looking at him expectantly with her hand stretched out to him. He holds her hand and helps her up. Holding hand they take the saath pheres.

After a teary vidaai, and a heartwarming welcome by Rishab's parents, Madhu was sitting in her new bedroom waiting for her husband. She hears the door opening and her heart starts beating faster as she nervously waited for her husband to join her. She hears him locking the door. As she waited with bated breath he without a word gets on the bed and goes to sleep with his back towards her. She smiles at his back and gets up and goes to change her dress.

Rishab hears the bathroom door opening and ignoring that tries to go to sleep. He feels her sitting on the bed, and then he starts frowning as he felt her kneel near him and then he feels a shadow over his eyes and realizes that she was leaning over him looking at him. He hated to admit it, he was nervous! "I know you are awake, RK. It is okay. I know you need time to accept me and I'll wait for you to accept me. Till then I'll try my best to be keep you happy because I fell in love with you the moment you told me you were worried about your mother. Only a man who loves his mother can love his wife, and I know one day you'll love me. Good night." she gently tells him and then leans down and kisses him on his cheek. He feels her lying back on the bed and then she tells him cheekily, "If you were wondering, you are going to be truly madly and deeply in love with me, if we are to go by how dark my mehendi has turned out to be."

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