"Sit." RK tells her.

Madhu sits nervously and asks him, "Why did you want to talk to me?"

"Yeah before that... do you want to have something?" RK asks as he tried to gather his thoughts.

Madhu shakes her head in negative. RK nods and orders a coffee for him as they couldn't sit in a coffee shop without ordering anything.

"Last night my parents talked to me about marriage." RK starts to explain.

Madhu nods her head with a frown.

"They have you in mind as the bride."

Madhu's mouth opens a little in shock. "Me?" she croaks.

"Yeah. They asked me for my opinion." When Madhu remained silent and continued to gape at him, he says "I told them that I would tell them after I think about it. When I thought about it, I realized that before we decide anything officially I should talk to you because later if either of us says no then it might be a problem for you to face my parents. I don't want this to affect your friendship with Trishna."


"So I wanted to know what your thoughts are about this marriage." RK tells her.

"I don't know." Madhu replies in obvious confusion.

RK looks at her in shock. "You don't know?"



"I don't know." Madhu tells him helplessly. "This is all so sudden."

"I know it is." RK agrees. "But my parents are waiting for a reply."

"What can I say?" Madhu says uncertainly.

"Don't you have an opinion?"

"I never really thought about my future husband."

"Then how were you planning to get married?"

"My parents would find him."

"You would marry a man your parents choose?" RK asks her.

Madhu nods her head. RK sighs loudly as he sits back.

"If my parents like you then I won't say no." Madhu tells him finally.


"It's just that I never had that kind of a relation with any man. So I don't know what kind of husband I want." Madhu explains to him.

RK nods. "Okay then."

"I'll go?" Madhu asks him.

RK nods his head. Madhu starts to get up when RK asks her, "How are you going? Do you want me to drop you?"

"No... I have my scooty with me." Madhu replies and runs from there.

Madhu was starting her scooty when RK hurries out, "Madhu!"

Madhu looks at him through her helmet.

"Trishna doesn't know about this... so don't tell her about this till I tell you... okay?"

Madhu nods her head in agreement.

Few days later, RK's family officially comes to Madhu's house with the proposal.

"Bhabhi!" Trishna says excitedly the moment she sees Madhu and hugs her excitedly.

Madhu looks at her in shock and slowly turns to look at RK who was also gaping at Trishna in shock. Then he glares at her and Trishna rolls her eyes at him and turning to Madhu she winks at her happily. Madhu also glares at her.

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