Superstar RK's wife and actress Madhubala Rishabh Kundra was spotted yesterday in Motihari with a baby. As this writer tried to get an interview with her and find out her reasons leaving her husband RK she had refused to talk. When asked about the child with her, she had tried to leave without an answer and was not even willing to pose for a photo. But still we managed to get a photo of her with her child. Now the question is who the father of the child is, and we have the answer to that. It is none other than RK himself. If the birth certificate of the child is not enough proof then the uncanny resemblance of her to our superstar would be proof enough. Now we wonder why the superstar felt the need to hide his baby from the world.

RK looks at the photo, Madhu looks the same just more mature and thinner, and she was securely holding their baby hiding her face on the crook of her neck. It was a girl but what was her name? And did the article say she looked like him? RK thought as he was suddenly filled with emotions and his eyes were getting heavy and his throat was closing up. He sees a photo of the birth certificate of his daughter.

Name: Ishita Kundra

Name of Father: Rishabh Kundra

He had asked her to kill their baby and she had protected their baby and given her his name too. Then finally he gave into his regrets, guilt and pain ever since Madhu left him and screamed out in agony.

He had cried for over an hour and Bittuji had stood behind him and watched him cry. Because he deserved to cry and he needed to cry, he has been keeping it all bottled up ever since bhabhiji left him. The phone kept on ringing now apart from Chief's and the hotel phone, even his phone was ringing. "Can you answer that?" RK asks him furiously. "And tell them what? That you asked Bhabhiji to abort and she had ran away to save her child from you?" Bittuji asks him cruelly. RK turns to look at him in shock and then roughly rubs his forehead and says calmly, "I need to meet the reporter who wrote this article." "You don't have to do that." Bittuji tells him. "You don't tell me what to do to. I need to meet the reporter." "I already got Bhabhiji's address from the reporter."Bittuji tells him. "You did?" RK asks shocked and amazed. "When you started crying I realized you might want to meet your wife and daughter." Bittuji says angrily. RK looks at Bittuji in shock, the only time he had talked to him angrily was when he had left Madhu after taking his revenge on her but then also he was not this furious with him. More than his manager, Bittuji was like Madhu's brother, how did he ever forget that? He might have remained with him all these years because of loyalty. And he was an idiot to think that loyalty was for him, but it was for his wife. He had even driven away that one constant in his life who had stuck by him through thick and thin just like Madhu, and he didn't even realize that. Gathering himself up, he says in an even tone, "I am very sorry for hurting you, Bittuji." Bittuji looks at him in shock. "I can never change what I did to Madhu, our daughter and you but I can make it up to you all and I'll." Bittuji starts smiling happily, "You have never accepted your mistakes, Chief but today you did. That is the biggest reward you could give me. I forgive you, Chief." RK chuckles hearing Bittuji's magnum opus declaration though relieved too. "Thank you, Bittuji." Bittuji smiles at him. "We should get going." Bittuji tells him. "Yes." RK starts and stops in shock, "What about today's shoot?" Been a failed producer and brought to the ground from stardom, RK no longer threw his wait around and treated everyone as thrash. He treated everyone with a mediocre of respect and never let his moods affect the shoot but right now he wanted to see Madhu and Ishita. "Did you forget that you are RK and you could stop a shooting on whim?" Bittuji asks him smiling. "Compensate the producer." RK tells him.

That day evening, finally they reach Motihari and head straight to Madhu's house. RK was about to ring the bell when Bittuji stops him. "Chief, she might be angry with you." "Might?" RK asks him back grinning; he couldn't believe he was finding something to smile about inspite of ruining everything so perfectly. "She is angry with you." Bittuji corrects himself "But she loves you still." "I doubt that, Bittuji. I am not someone one can like easily but she had found something in me that was worth loving and I had ruined it." RK says full of regret. "What does Rishabh mean?" Bittuji asks him. RK frowns at him and shrugs, "Power or superior or something like that. Why?" "It means superior and what does Ishitha mean?" Bittuji asks him. RK's face breaks out into a huge smile, "Superior?" "Now ring the bell." Bittuji tells him.

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