36. Cuffed kiss

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Song recommended- Locked away(feat. Adam Levine) by R. City

I took out the ring from my pocket, which I had found from his cabin in that isolated building. Sliding it in my ring finger I closed my welled up eyes, promising myself a devotion till eternity for him. I gradually opened them and saw the man I desire the most and who completes me, makes me feel safe and perfect around him without a doubt.

He didn't deserved it.

It was a delicate situation and everything felt sensitive. The courtroom was in chaos and people were accusing him of something that he was forced to do.

Was law that blind? It couldn't just ignore the plea of a person who wasn't even guilty. There was still a hope in me that was sending me a belief to keep believing in goodness.

Or I might lose trust in it.

The defence was low until the lawyer pulled out the pendrive and played the video. Gasps and surprises were expected, same goes to Jungkook who stood on his spot with a wide eyes and heavy frown. He snapped towards me with a sharp gaze, questioning orbs meeting mine to know what was going on but I curved my lips upward to assure everything's going to be nice.

The case was changing direction would an understatement because now, everyone was watching a new side of the story. The untold chapters and hidden secrets which were enclosed within the four walls was in show for all.

From my peripheral view, I saw how nothing was making sense for Kim brothers on how to tackle it. They are not at ease and tried to convince the prosecutor to do something against it but the proofs were too solid to deny.

Truth can never be hidden.

Everything from then on was like the black ink, sprawling on th white sheet, making beautiful curves and enchanting the purity of innocence.

The majority of people who were shouting to put Jungkook on death were bewildered and hesitated to say anymore, leaving the matter in the hands of Judge who was going through the hearing and listening to both parties with equal importance.

Defense lawyer did his work and presented further evidence to cut off the whatever punishment that was about to come for Jungkook. At least, he succeeded to limit the measures taken against him and totally nullify the hate forced into the people against the hybrid.

After a difficult long duration of discussion where favour and against put their everything in this case, the judge was finally ready to say the final statement.

He addressed the crowed by saying that the government had to step down and the slavery law has been abolished along with the other unnecessary ridiculous laws. He also said that since the real culprit is already dead so it wasn't fair to put her punishment to him as he wasn't guilty but the hybrid deserved his own punishment for creating a deadly virus. He was sentenced a 12 year imprisonment and a fine of 15 million won, which was a high amount but fair for his deeds. It was karma.

Everyone started leaving the court after the judge left. Citizens were in a hurry to announce and spread the news of the heated headline of nowadays. They were very eager to be the ones to say it aloud although no one's gonna remember it after five or ten years.

I saw Jungkook being dragged by the cops so I stood and walked towards him. Following me, Hoseok and Yoongi formed a human barrier when the cops decided to push me back but the lawyer helped me spare five minutes from the strictness.

My eyes were swollen and nose red from all the struggle and mental breakdown I suffered in past few days. He was in front of me in a similiar state, heartbroken and expected that I was here to bid the farewell for forever but then I clenched my fists, running the thumb over the ring and said," I do."

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