9. Hope

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Seokjin bribed few officers and closed the file on the spot with a handsome penalty fine. I again emptied my pocket while Jungkook was in handcuffs, shivering in the police car. I signed the warning papers on the bonnet of it and shook hands with the corrupted police who had a smirk on his face.

At least it was an advantage for me.

He opened the door and pushed out Jungkook who was injected with sedative. He limped before stumbling upon me. I held his wsist and wrapped his one arm around my shoulder before Seokjin offered to drop me home on his way.

During the ride Namjoon hissed whenever the car took a turn. He was scared because of Jungkook but acted brave in front of his brother. Seokjin was continuously throwing daggers on Jungkook through the front mirror as his knuckles turned white. He was angry for what Jungkook did to Namjoon although I tried my best to make him understand.

"Oppa... I am really sorry. Because of me you got injured. I was so stupid to ask you about his database. I didn't k-"

"It's not your fault neither his. It was uncontrollable. It just happened and trust me, I have dealt with more dangerous cases than him."

"But they were wild. He is domestic and still possessed the strength to almost kill two officers. Aish! Why can't we send him back to the hybrid centre?" Seokjin slammed his palms on the steering wheel and focused to drive on.

I fiddled with my fingers and collected enough courage before I said," I won't give him back." They got surprised and tried to look for their answers among the words I spoke.

I held those shaky hands of my bully and caressed the back of it with my thumb and said," He is my friend and friends help each other in best or worse. I-I can't let him rot if they eagerly want to operate him. In my memories he held a great part of it after my father. He wasn't an angel but devil yet he was there like a landmark in my Dreamland occupied by nightmares of him if not sweet dreams. He is a part of me."

There was utter silence. If I was my previous self then I would've called myself some crazy idiot to have sympathy for my bully but now, it was different. Either I became mature or more mad.

Suddenly Jungkook leaned against me and lost his consciousness on my shoulder. The Kim brothers pulled over and helped me to bring Jungkook over my bed. I offered them to tea then they left.

I went into the bedroom and saw him sleeping in the moonlight coming from through the window. He looked weak, fragile and everything described for a baby of months old.

I removed his hair strands in backward direction before caressing hia cheeks. He too mumbled something and abruptly held my palm in his hands. I was trapped with my one hand close to his heart while I was sitting beside him in an awkward position so I slinked under the cover and laid beside him.

His adorable face caught me off guard. How could a dreadful beast looked so innocent luke an angel? I was mesmerized. I was exhausted too, so I didn't realised when my eyes became heavy and I drifted into slumber.

When I woke up a pair of eyes were looking at me. I tried to turn away but his hand around my waist prevented me from doing so. He pulled me close, enough for our nosetips to brush.

His warm exhales hit my skin while I cupped his face. "How are you feeling now?" I asked. "Better." He said and held my hand. "Why did you jumped in? I could've harmed you." He regretted beating up anyone in his way.

"But you didn't." I caressed his hair when he snuggled into my embrace. "In fact you stole a kiss." He chuckled before pulling back. I mainted a calming smile to make him feel better. "Did I?"

"Of course,you did it Mr. International playboy." I ruffled his hair to make him giggle. I wanted to ease his stress so I thought to distract his mind elsewhere.

"By the way, you're profile picture was kinda dope. I mean you look cute in this regular haircut but that haircut and chain looked freaking wild."

"You want me to cut into that, again?"

"Definitely not. Like I said it was wild, I like your current hairstyle. You look decent in it and compatible to be called as a friend."

"Just a friend? Are you frined-zoning me after so much?" He gripped my waist as I let out a whine. Biting my lips I nervously said,"Maybe more." He smirked before lifting my chin and inspected my face. "You look cute with that heavy tint on your cheeks. I like that."

"Just that?" I raised my eyebrow before he answered," Maybe more." I bursted into giggles and hit his chest with my fist, playfully. We were laughing when he suddenly became stiff, only watching me with an adorable smile.

That night he slept with me in his arms and I didn't bulged to push him out. He was not being too touchy but decently calm. Moreover, he was a deligigent student who respected women and loved to play with kids.

Cuddling me became his habits in bed. Watching me sleep in his arms was his favorite moment and I knew it because I caught him several times in the morning. Everything was going almost perfect.

I was in the library while Jungkook would be late due to today's singing show. Senior students weren't allowed to see it because they had classes to attend and hence I only saw a video recording he sent me. He was melodious just like the Jungkook I knew in school.

Someone grabbed my wrist and I saw Seokjin staring at me. "Come with me." He said and dragged me in his car. He drove us to a familiar path and within few minutes I saw standing in Namjoon's laboratory.

I saw an unknown person with long horns banging on the glass which was caging him inside the circular cage. He stopped punching it and glanced at me with a creepy smirk.

"Who is he?" I asked. Before Namjoon could answer the hybrid cut him off and said," I'm your hope, you're my hope. I am Jhope." My eyes went wide. I looked at Namjoon who sighed dramatically and said," I've been keeping him since a week. After the disclosure from Jungkook. I requested authorities to give me this gazelle hybid so that I could learn more about code blue."

"And what have you found?" I inched closure to the hybrid but Seokjin swirled me around and leaned closure. "He can kill you."

"What a nonsense!" I retraced my steps." We know each other since a long time. He could be a brat but a killer."

"He injured two officers, don't you understand? Have you gone that blind to seek your security?" Seeking yelled. I fisted my anger and said," Thanks for being concern although it's my life and I won't allow anyone to lay a finger on Jungkook. You might call me crazy but he can never do that. This Jhope was the one who blasted the bomb, he was innocent."

"He's a liar." Jhope straddled in front of me and scratched the glass down. He was still smiling when he said," He's the mastermind. He's the danger, devil himself. You'll regret nourishing a cunning hybrid." He banged his forehead on glass and a stream of red trailed down. The glass shook from the force while he stared at me with that devilish smirk.

"I think you should go." Namjoon rushed me out and pressed a red button that filled smoke in his capsule cell to make him sleep. Seokjin dragged me out and drove to my house at night. When he pulled over he said," It's not safe to live with him but I know you are stubborn. Feel free to call me." I nodded getting off the car and knocked on the door.

Jungkook opened the door, greeting me with a bunny smile. I wondered how could he be that dual natured. I curved my lips up and came inside with the aroma of delicious food.

"Go, get fresh then we'll have dinner." I did what he asked and later joined him for dinner. I was lost in my own doubts when he shouted my name. I blinked at him when he said," Where's your focus? Is there anything you wanna tell me?"

"No, nothing."

That night I chewed my dinner and slept restlessly. The following day I was feeling better but not comfortable. I started doubting him. I wasn't sure whom to trust and started distancing myself from everyone.

Happy 1k

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