I did really want to, but it would not be wise.

"Got it?" He asked again when I did not answer.

I gave a weak nod since I did not trust my voice.

Noah pushed himself off me, but not before rubbing my back once again. I immediately stood up straight and turned around to face him. My hands tugged at my jacket and pulled it tighter around my body. I ran my hands down my clothes to straighten them and glared up at his green eyes that stared back at me.

Noah looked at me with hesitation as he bent down to pick up the knife I dropped only a few minutes ago. He twirled the large blade between his two hands as he maintained eye contact with me, purposely trying to intimidate me.

His brow raised up as he stepped around me towards the knife block. "I will be locking this up until I can trust you." He slid the knife back in place and pushed it further against the counter.

My body turned to follow his movements, still on edge.

"Whatever makes you feel better." I muttered sarcastically.

"But now that we're here," he started "are you hungry? You never ate your food I worked hard on making, since I'm currently wearing it." Noah gestured to himself and shrugged.

I crossed my arms defiantly as I felt my stomach knot up. I was hungry, but I did not want to eat anything he made me. I did not want anything to do with this man.

"I'm not hungry." I simply stated and averted my eyes from his gaze.

Noah slammed his hand down onto the counter suddenly, my body immediately tensing up at the sudden outburst from him and my eyes flew back in his direction.

"Stop being so fucking difficult!" He yelled, right back to anger. "When was the last time you ate? twelve hours ago?" He mocked as his palms were now flat against the island.

I faltered for a moment before I spoke up, "I don't remember. You drugged me." I was walking a thin line, but I could not stop myself from making smart-ass remarks.

Noah shook his head and stepped around the island in three large strides, not even giving me the chance to step back from him.

He stood inches away from me and I had to crane my neck to look up at him. "I am going to make us food, and we are going to sit down and talk." His jaw clenched as he looked down at me. He was desperately trying to control his anger now.

"I don't real-"

"I don't care what you want right now, you need to eat and we have things to discuss." He simply stated as he backed up, now giving me some breathing room as my head followed in the direction of his movements back towards the stove.

I stood there staring at him in silence, not wanting to argue with him anymore. I knew it was not going to get me anywhere.

I sucked in deeply and turned my back towards him as I moved towards the small table to my right. I pulled out a chair and cautiously sat down, the corner of my eyes still trained on Noah's back as he pulled a pot out from the cabinets above the stove.

The chair creaked as I rested my full weight on it, pulling it closer with my legs and now resting my arms over the glistening wood.

The clicking of the gas stove made my ears perk up as I fiddled with my fingers.

Noah hummed to himself as he walked over to the fridge. He opened the two large doors and glanced back at me. He looked at me as if he could not believe I was actually here. So much hope and twisted affection in those cold green eyes of his.

Stolen LoveWhere stories live. Discover now