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The rays of light had begun to shine through the small curtains as the sun started to rise from its rest. The bright lights casted an orange hew across the room and across my closed eyelids. I could not keep my body from shifting away from the light and further into the warmth of the comforter.

I dreaded waking up in the mornings, it was a much more difficult task than most people thought it to be. My body felt like it was being weighed down by sacks of bricks, slowly dragging me to the dark embrace of my captor.

I curled further into the bed and squeezed my eyes shut. This should have been a dream. I should have awoken from this nightmare hours ago. Although, I was not that lucky. This was not a dream, and I was reminded so by the sound of the bedroom door creaking open.

The sound of footsteps echoed beside me and I tried to lay as still as I possibly could.

I felt my heart begin to beat faster with every step that I heard, which was now directly beside me.

I laid completely still beneath the large blanket that shielded me from Noah's preying eyes.

My body failed me when I twitched when Noah placed his hand on my lower body, beginning to rub up and down slowly. He chuckled and pulled back the sheets, exposing my frail body.

"Good morning, sweetheart." He greeted happily as I remained curled up into a small ball. "I made you some breakfast, I thought you'd be hungry." You are right, I would be hungry if I was home. But I could not even begin to fathom the idea of him making me breakfast in bed.

"C'mon and get up, I don't want this getting cold." Noah urged again and set the food down onto the nightstand beside me.

I peeked up from the pillow and glanced at the food. It was some of my favourite breakfast food, and of course he would somehow know exactly what I liked. I uncurled my body and pulled myself up into a sitting position against the headboard of the bed.

My eyes burned as they began to adjust to the bright lights that had now filled into the room.

"I hope soon you'll be able to get yourself up and maybe make breakfast for me every once in awhile." Noah smiled down at me and placed the tray of food onto my lap.

My focus shifted from him and onto the plate of food that was hovering above my lap. Yeah, make you breakfast and poison you. I bitterly grabbed the fork and started eating the eggs. They were scrambled, the only way that I would ever eat eggs. There was also some burnt bacon, toast, and some tea on the side.

"I find it weird that you like your bacon burnt, but anything for you my sweetheart." Noah leaned in and kissed the top of my head.

"I find it weird that you know every aspect about me." I grumbled. "Do you even know what brand of tampons I use?" I found myself shooting out that last sentence before I could stop myself.

My eyes immediately widened and drifted up towards Noah, who had not moved from his stance beside me.

"Do you need a reminder from our conversation yesterday already? I am more than willingly to show you how to behave, whether that be physically or mentally." Noah warned calmly, his face not displaying any sort of emotion except for the small twitch under his left eye.

I had made a mental note that he did that often when he was trying to control his anger, whether it be involuntary or not.

"No." I responded and casted my gaze towards my food.

"Good. If another smart-ass remark comes out of that pretty mouth of yours, you'll regret it. And for both of our sakes, I hope that it doesn't come down to that." Noah stepped away from me and sat down on the couch beside the bed.

Stolen LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon