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This book is dedicated to kitkat405 and mreens7

These two lovely ladies have stuck with me for a long time and been a great support. I would also like to thank all of my readers for being here to support me and my work. You have no idea how much this means to me, as I have been struggling recently.

I wanted to also say thank you for those who have clicked on this book and given it a chance. It really means a lot!


This story is going to be dark, including sexual assault, kidnapping, abuse, language, violence, and other activities that I do not condone. I won't spoil anything, but I wanted to give a small warning. Do not read this book if you are sensitive to these kind of topics or do not like these kinds of books. ALL CHARACTERS ARE OVER THE AGE OF 18.

This book and the cover belong to me. All rights reserved. No part of this book shall be partly reproduced, fully, distributed, or transmitted by any other means without the permission of the author. For any inquires or concerns, message the author @ firstdis0rder.

Please enjoy this book.

I wrapped my arms around myself as I paced down the sidewalk of my street. The air was cool and refreshing at first, but now it sent a striking chill through my body and to my bones. I shuddered and pulled my jacket tighter around my body, allowing some warmth to flood back into my system. The sun was slowly setting, producing an orange and red hew across the houses and crowded the street.

I continued to walk at a steady pace, wanting to get home as quickly as possible. It was surely going to start raining any minute now, and I did not feel like getting caught in it. I lowered my head to stop the cool wind from freezing the tip of my nose any further and tucked my hands inside my pockets to turn up my music.

There was not many cars outside at this time of day. The lack of people made my walk home from work even creepier than it normally is.

My body jerked backwards when I suddenly bumped into someone while I had my head down. I quickly looked up and removed one of my earbuds. The man slowly turned around and my eyes met a not so familiar face that I had never seen before.

The man looked at me quickly and pulled his phone away from his ear, "I have to call you back." He said to the person on the phone, I presume.

I stepped back cautiously. "I'm so sorry sir, I wasn't watching where I was going." I muttered softly with a small smile.

The man let out a small laugh, "Not a problem, sweetheart." His eyes moved from my head down to my toes, taking in my complete form.

I pulled my jacket tighter in response and tried to step around him, giving him one last small smile and quick nod. I only made it two steps when he grabbed my bicep in attempts of stoping me. My body turned in response to this foreign touch from a stranger and gave him a questioning look.

"Wha-" I pulled out both of my earbuds now and frowned.

The man looked down at me with a small grin, "It's going to rain soon you know. I was just waiting for my friend to come pick me up, we could give you a ride to wherever you need to go." The man kept his hold on my bicep, hinting that his remark was not an offer and more of an order.

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