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I felt my body shake violently as I started to feel myself come back to consciousness. My eyes strained as I struggled to open them, the bright lights of my surroundings were partially blinding my tired eyes.

I rubbed my eyes groggily. Black dots filled my vision as I glanced around. My head turned back and forth a few moments before I started to remember what had happened before I was asleep. My body jerked upright and my breathing picked up ten fold. I was inside the car still that Noah was driving me home in. My eyes widened at the thought, he was supposed to drive me home. But it was bright outside and it was dark and raining when I was walking home?

My eyes searched frantically around the car and I lifted my hands to open the door, only to realize that they were bound together by thick rope. I let out a small gasp and felt tears well up in my eyes, my nose stinging at the sensation.

No. No. No.

Noah. I looked around the car and did not see him, much to my surprise I was all alone. I didn't know if this was better or worse for me. But I wasn't going to waste this opportunity.

I jerked my legs and found that they were free still.

"What the fuck!" I cried out in frustration, feeling the panic soon start to rise up in my throat. I was kidnapped. I was fucking kidnapped. The memories from last night flooded into my brain, sending me into a whole new state of panic.

I let out a scream and pulled at my restraints, desperately trying to get out of them.

The rope dug into my wrists and they were too tight to take off myself.

I nervously reached for the glove box in front of me and searched for something to cut the rope off, but found nothing. I slammed it back closed and let out a frustrated sound. I felt a tear roll down my cheek and wiped it away with my shoulder. I could not cry. I could still escape. He was not here to stop me, but I had to be quick.

I kicked and bucked in the seat and dove towards the handle, knowing that this would be a golden chance to escape from him.

"I see that you're awake. The effects shouldn't have worn off that quick, but that's okay. How are you feeling?" I heard the car door suddenly jerk open and my eyes immediately dashed up to Noah's bright ones. His lips were carved into a smile and I fought the urge to let out another scream.

He was oddly calm, like he was welcoming a new pet home for the first time. But most pets are humans, nor are they taken against their will.

"Let me go! This isn't funny anymore, Noah. I want to go home." I growled, sitting up in the seat of the car. My eyes squinted since I had to look up at him, even though he was hovering above the open door.

Noah clicked his tongue and pushed my shoulders back down against the car seat, forcing me to stay there. "I'm going to bring you inside now, alright? You're going to calm down and not do anything stupid." He spoke in a mocking tone, causing me to bite hard down on my lip.

My teeth gritted together as I tried to come up with a plan. I could not overpower him myself, but I could possibly out run him. I knew when it came to seer brute strength that he would have me beat, but he might be a slow runner.

I loosened my jaw and gave a weak nod, allowing Noah to move so I could come out of the car.

He watched me closely and studied my moves.

I crawled out of the passenger seat awkwardly due to my bound hands. Noah took note of this and grasped at the rope around my wrists and gave a hard tug upwards.

I felt my shoes crunch beneath the gravel and I squinted at the bright light of the sun and glanced over to Noah, who was smiling as if he had just brought home a new pet to show his parents, I thought bitterly as Noah spoke back up. "See? This is going to be our new home-" I didn't give him the chance to finish his sentence before I slammed my shoulder into his ribcage and took off down the gravel road.

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