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(Apologies for the wait guys, I just bought a MacBook  and I am in the middle of Exams.)

I open my eyes. I guess I couldn't hold myself any longer since I was exhausted, I must have fallen asleep. My legs are numb and I hope my friends are going to find me soon... I wonder if they told my dad. I really should have just kept my mouth shut, now I got my dad and Pete in trouble.

"Y/N!" I hear someone call my name before Juan walks in, "We looked through your phone and we couldn't find any photos of Peter. His name wasn't even in your contacts, or anything for that matter. You don't even have a passcode."

"It is just a temporary phone I had to buy before you fucking kidnapped me!"

"Oh, then I guess kidnapping you would have been a complete waste if we don't know which Peter we are looking for. Now tell me... what is Peter's last name?"

"Go. To. Hell."

He scoffs and kneels down, "I'll give you to the count of three."

"No," I shake my head and try to block out all the thoughts I have about what will happen to me.


Don't show him that you're scared, Y/N.


Don't tell him, Y/N.


Don't cry, Y/N. I refuse as I repeat this over and over in my head. "I can't, I-I won't do it."

"Alright, then I guess I have no other way than to force you."

"How? By torturing me? If you hurt me it will only make things worse for you."

"Who said anything about hurting you? I'm not going to touch you, Y/N, I won't even come into this room anymore. I will simply just let you starve."

Don't break Y/N.

I stop looking at him and I look at my feet.

I break.

"Look at me. Stop crying, and look at me," he says calmly this time while lifting my face up, "You're killing yourself Y/N."

He pulls out my phone from his pocket and turns it on.

"Wh-what are you doing?"

"Who's Gwen? She your friend?"

"No- no just don't text her please."

"Do you know how easy it is for me to tell her to meet up? I'll have my men take her too. You wouldn't want that, would you? You will only have yourself to blame." He opens my messages and clicks on Gwen's name. He types, I need your help. Can you meet me in the woods?

He then looks at me and his finger reaches for the send button

"Parker," I whisper.


"Peter...Parker," I hardly choke out.

He smirks. "Good girl. Now that wasn't so hard was it?"

"Don't kill him. We can give you the money or whatever it is you want, but please don't hurt them!"

"Don't you worry about that," he leaves the room and the only thing I can hear are my own sobs. If my dad were here, he would be telling me to be strong. But he isn't here, and there is nothing I can do. Juan is going to kill them, then he will kill me. 

Just a few minutes pass, and the boy walks back in again. He is holding a plate of food and he places it on my lap, releasing my hand that is strapped down, "There you go."

"Thank you."

"Hey, I'm sorry about them. You're going to be alright."

I grab the fork and poke it at the chicken, "Can I have a knife to cut this at least?"

"Nice try, but I can't give you a knife. I'll go and cut it up for you." He tells me, walking out with the food and returning a minute later. I take a bite and notice he hasn't moved from in front of me, "Are you just going to watch me eat?"

"No, I'm not meant to be in here with you for this long, but just one more thing."


"I just think that you should know that I know Parker."

"I don't care."

"Our fathers were best friends," he continues after ignoring me, "They worked together, and died together."

I don't say anything for a few seconds, "Does Peter know you?"

"I'm not sure?"

"You don't know?"

"I mean that he might not remember me, it's been nearly seven years."

"You guys haven't seen each other in seven years? Why? Did he just stop talking to you?"

"Well, we were both dealing with the loss of our dads back then and we were young. I don't really remember what happened."

"So you haven't thought to go and talk to him once after that?" He doesn't respond, "Is it because you don't want to? Is it because you're afraid that he will see the person you have become?"

He sighs and looks at me like I have just embarrassed him, I continue,

"I'll make sure to ask him about you once you set me free. What was your name again?

He scoffs and shakes his head and I finish my food. He then tells me to hurry up because he is needed by the others. I furrow my eyebrows before Juan calls out, "Harry!"

His name is Harry.

He takes my plate, uses duct tape to tape my hand back in place then meets my eyes,

"I'm Harry Osborn."

I uploaded an aesthetic for him

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I uploaded an aesthetic for him.

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