Plan B

221 17 5

Peter's POV

We make it back to the house with the gadget he needed. He had asked me to hold onto it while he drove here, so it doesn't break somehow. We stand on the porch and he faces the door, after two seconds, the door opens by itself. I really have to get used to all this, don't I? I look at Pete, who is still passed out on the carpet. Whether he was knocked out from pure exhaustion or from stress, I'm not really sure. It happened so suddenly.

I follow Mr Stark into another room. It is filled with computers and technology that are labelled as Stark Industries. It's nothing like I've ever seen before, but I hope he's planning to release all this to the world one day. He sits down at his desk, unlocks his computer and his background is a picture of him, Y/N, and her mom I'm guessing. She looks so young, and Mr Stark looks so happy. I'm not sure I've ever seen him smile before. He then plugs a cord from the computer into the gadget that I am still clutching.

"Hold this very carefully," he says, "I still have to fix a couple of things to make it more stable since it's very fragile." I glance at the desk, which is all covered in files and tools, leaving no room for anything else. Something pops up on the screen and it starts to load. I figure I'm going to be standing and waiting here for a long time. 


I know I have been standing for around ten minutes, but I feel like I have been standing for hours. I focus on not dropping it, which makes me more paranoid and I start to sweat. I suddenly become hot and my grip on the gadget is tightening. I can feel my heart beating in my throat, and my hands start to shake.  'It's fragile Peter. Don't drop it, Peter.'  I replay his words in my mind and I don't dare ask him for a chair, or to open the window. I don't need to bother him even more than I have. 

Just then, there is a loud bang on the window.

Mr Stark jumps and I flinch, before realising it was a bird. I then sigh and my attention goes back to the device in my hands. The device which is safe and... broken! I broke the device! My stupid super strength!

He turns to look at me, then at my hands. "I-I am so sorry Mr Stark! I got distracted for one-one second, and I accidentally crushed it..." I try to not look him in the eyes, as I wait for him to start yelling at me.

He doesn't.

He just rubs his forehead and then takes the broken pieces from me. He leads me out of the room and back into the living room. I sit on the couch and he walks away. 

Stupid Peter. 


How are we going to get Y/N now? What would she think of me? I bet Pete wouldn't have done that. Now Y/N is going to have to wait a little while longer until we come up with another plan... if that even works.

I decide to get up to find him and ask what plan B is. He calls out my name and I find him sitting on a bed in a room. As I walk in, I spot a familiar green jacket. Just like the one Pete wore last week. It's Y/N's jacket.

I have never been in her room before, it's twice the size of mine. It's very messy compared to mine though. There are clothes on her bed, textbooks on the bedside table, and muddy footprints on the floor. 

I sit beside her dad and I open my mouth to say something but he stops me. "I know you're sorry, kid," he says, "I'm not mad at you."

"It's my fault, it's going to take longer to find her now because of me."


"How are you so calm? She's waiting for us to find her, and she is counting on me! She called me because she trusted me to figure this out."

"I know it might seem like I don't care, or I'm not stressing out. But I am. I just know how to manage myself in front of you boys and I am not going to panic so I can keep my head straight and focus on finding Y/N. I've been in situations like these plenty of times, and I know that blaming yourself won't help with anything. "

"You're right, I'm sorry. But what if the other plan doesn't work? I mean, something is wrong with Peter, and I can't expect to take his place since the men that took Y/N don't know who I am."

He sighs and pats me on the back. "You're a very smart kid Peter."

"What? How would you know that?"

"Y/N is always telling me about how smart you are. Whenever she thinks she got the highest mark in the classroom, you always got higher."


He chuckles, "Yeah... Well, and I also might have hacked into the school system. You know, maybe one day you can come and work for me. "

"Oh yeah? Actually, I'm not really good with technology and engineering stuff. But Pete is great at that, he-" I want to tell him about his web-shooters but I stop talking.

"Oh yeah? Well, with or without Pete's help, I always have a way to solve things. Everything always goes according to plan."

"You're, right, everything will work out in the end."

 "Exactly, So don't be so hard on yourself."

He smiles at me.

He smiles at me

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I'm thinking abt adding this to ao3, so lmk if you read on there so I can upload all of it there.

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