The Tour

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Your POV:

Finally, six boring hours of school are done! I ride my bike home and saw my dad ( Tony Stark) already ordered pizza, pepperoni with pineapple. ( sorry not sorry) It was also my mom's favorite, I miss her. 

5:27 PM

I'm bored of staring out my window, I should go check out the new place. Then I remembered Peter, I grabbed the paper from my bag and texted him.


Hey. How about that tour?


Ye, ok.  Where should we meet up?


Maybe at the bus stop?


Bet. :)

I change into a shirt and jeans.


As I walk to the bus station near me, I realize it is freezing cold. I expected it to be warm like where I used to live, in Reseda. But I guess we really did move to a really different area.

Peter's POV

I spot Y/N walking towards me and realize that she has no jacket, is she trying to freeze to death? I ask her where she wants to explore first. " Um... I guess I already know my way around the school so, maybe show me your favourite place?"  The alley is pretty personal so I decide to show her the Midtown Science Lab, 

" I know the place, follow me," I tell her.

 I signal her to follow me and we arrive at the lab, not that far from here.  

" A lab?" She asks, confused. 

" Not just any lab, this lab is special it holds many secrets."

" Really? How would you know, do you work here?" She asks sarcastically. 

" No, I don't," 

" So how do you know and how do you get in?"

" Well, WE can't get in," I state as I grab her hand and take her to the main desk. "Peter what are you doing we're going to get caught," she says worriedly. 

" Trust me."

Your POV

I try to break free but then freeze as we stood at the main desk,  the lady asked us, "Here for the 6:00 appointment?" 

" That's the one," Peter answers with confidence like he does this every day. "Names?" She asks as Peter puts on glasses, he looks pretty cute with them. He looks at the name tags placed on the desk and reads, " 'Dylan Cade' and 'Allison Mills'." He grabs the tags and hands one to me with a smile on his face. He just lied to her, risky but awesome. 

We take the elevator and we just laugh until we arrive on the 3r floor, I thought we were going to join the group of students but instead, he skips them and we end up at the back of the room. I think he is trying to hide from them. Then he suggests we should go through this door which states 'DO NOT ENTER, CONFIDENTIAL ROOM'.  

"Very funny, how do you propose we get in?" I ask him. 

"Watch and learn smartass," he replies as he joins the group. He starts talking all smart then gets a glimpse at his tag to greet himself. He looks like a complete and total idiot right now, but somehow he is fooling everyone.

Peter's POV

The worker greets me and moves on, and that's when I waited for everyone to look the other way before I quickly unclipped the card from his pocket. Pfft, too easy but I'm hoping it is the correct one.  I see Y/N signal me to hurry and I do,  I go to swipe the card to open the door but she whispers, 

"What are you doing, are you crazy?!"

 "I have been trying to get in for months, and I think I have the right card this time."

 "You go in and I'll wait here then," she tells me. 

"OK," I say as I swipe the card, and it worked! I hug her a bit too tight, and quietly slide into the room. 

"You really are a risk-taker, you know that?" She says before the door closed and I just tell her,

"I know." 

I close the door silently and look around, it is nearly pitch black, so I take out my phone's flashlight. I see computers and desks, but I also hear noises so I explore further only to see rats and snakes, but they look different like they appear to be huge. The snake hissed at me and I screamed, I moved back and realized that they could be experimenting or testing something on these animals. 

The only light showing in the room was some blue light, shining through the bottom crack of a door. I decide to investigate so I twist the doorknob and the door creaks open. I stepped into the blue room and see beautiful spiders of all kinds, none as I have ever seen before. I feel something fall on my head, then another, until there are a bunch of spiders falling onto me. I try not to shout as I shake off every last one of them from my body. Gross. 

I hope Y/N didn't hear me scream, she would never let me live it down. 


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Should I go after him? Nah, my dad will kill me if I get into trouble on the first day here, especially since I am always expected to be a little miss perfect, ' The daughter of Ironman'.  I hear a high-pitched scream, It sounded like a little girl before I noticed it was Peter. 

I burst out with laughter before he comes running out anxiously, he looks disturbed and I was about to ask him what he saw but he covers my mouth. He leads us out, heading out from another way than where we came in from. We run out the back way and it was raining, he makes his way down a ladder. 

" There is absolutely no fricking way I am climbing down we are too high!" I yell afraid.  He is halfway down and shouts back, " Come on I always do this, unless you wanna get caught?  Just trust me," he says as he stops. I start to climb down slowly and get down halfway before the rain gets heavier, and I freak out and freeze. 

"Peter I can't, I'm going to slip!" I cry out, really high up. 

" Y/N/N, look at me... I need you to trust me! ok?" He assures me, climbing back up and holding my hips, guiding me down. He reaches the floor and I am nearly there before I slip off and Peter catches me, he groans as we are on the floor, then smiles at me.

" Haha, you caught me! I did it, y-you're amazing!" I yell as I hug him while still on the ground. 

"I told you to trust me." He grins.

I will stop changing povs so often.

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