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Your POV

"She's awake," I hear someone say as I struggle to open my eyes. My ears are ringing to the point where I can barely hear what they say next. They then leave the room, leaving one guy in front of me. I lift my head up, trying to process the words that are coming out of his mouth. "Can you hear me?" 

The ringing fades out before I realise where I am, someplace bad. The last thing I remember is trying to hide from three men, and then I got knocked out. I look down at my hands which are tied to the chair I'm on, then back at the boy. He is staring at me, waiting for me to stop struggling and to calm down. "Oh-oh my god," I whisper, "Where the hell am I? Let me go!" I choke out, he stands up and shuts the door where the other people are. He raises a hand to his lips, "Shh, calm down. It's all right."

"All right!?" I shout louder. He immediately covers my mouth with his hand and says, "Listen very carefully. I have no intention of hurting you, but if you continue to bring attention to yourself, then I can assure you that those guys will do something." He points to the closed door before slowly removing his hand. "Why am I here? Who are you?" I ask confused, "Did I do something wrong?"

"No. You are- they told me that they are holding you as a hostage."

I sigh, knowing that I probably won't get anything out of him. "Please tell me it's not because my father is Tony Stark." I have actually been in a situation similar to this before when I was ten years old. There were two men that worked for my dad, well worked with him. He trusted them for years but they betrayed him. Eventually, using his own technology against him after finding out most of his secrets. I was missing for almost two days when he found me, causing a huge fight to start between them. But they were too smart to let my dad send them to prison.

But my dad was smarter.

He killed them.

"Wait, wait, wait," the boy finally says, you're telling me that you're  Y/N Stark?" He looks surprised and shocked but I roll my eyes regretting what I said and knowing he is completely clueless. "You have no idea what you are doing right now, are you?" I ask him as he stands back up. 

"No, I do. It's just that, they haven't really told me why you're here or who you are. They never do... but I guess I have my answer."

It seems like I am here because of my father after all. But I know he isn't going to look for me, yet find me. I only have my friends to rely on. "So what are you doing here? Why do you work for them? Can you let me go, please?" I ask him again. 

"No, can do. I have been on this job for many years and I do everything they tell me to. "

"Why? Are they your family or something?"

"After my parents were killed, they took me in.  My father kept many secrets and he had devoted his whole life to try and create something, which eventually got him killed. I thought that I should just end my life as well and I tried multiple times. Thankfully I was never successful and now I have a life, a life of crime."

"So you're a criminal just like them."

"Well if you put it that way- I'm not as bad as them, I'm here talking to you."

I know I'm in a really bad situation, but I can't help but feel a sense of comfort from him. "What's your name?"

"It's probably better if you didn't know. Anyway, I should probably stop talking to you."

"You're going? What if they come in here?"

"As long as you stay silent and do exactly as they say, they won't harm you."

"Yeah, that's what the bruise on my head says," my stomach rumbles loudly and he hears it, "Are you going to get me something to eat, or will you let me starve to death?"

"I can get you food and water, just wait here."

"Trust me, I'm not going anywhere." I am not sure if he meant it or not, he is really awkward and sweet for a 'bad guy'. I think he is my age. It's quite weird how he was treating me though, but I'm not going to let myself get too close to him. I can't trust him. I don't know him. 

I look around, there is one window that is covered with back duct tape and the walls are dirty. There is a small hole in the door which he left slightly open and a bed in the corner. I wonder if they have my phone or if they even broke it. If it's in this house and still in one piece, the cops could probably track it. Or my friends will probably go to my dad for help if they can. 

I miss him.

I miss Pete.

The door creaks open and he walks in again with a glass of water and a sandwich. He pulls out a pocket knife from his back pocket and cuts the strap holding my right hand to the chair. My legs are still stuck to the chair so I can't move anything except my right hand and I pick up the glass. I thank him and he just watches me eat until I finish. 

"If it was up to me, I would let you go. But if they find out, then I would probably get bashed, " he explains.

"Why are you being so nice to me?"

"Because I have a heart. Plus, I want you to feel safe around me and not be afraid."

"I don't trust you one bit, you know?"

"Yeah, I know. We'll work on that."

He ties my hand back how it was and then walks to the door when I ask, "You're just going to leave me here?"

He presses his lips together and nods his head, "I'm a bad guy remember?"


 I added a Gwen aesthetic.

Peter Parker X Reader - Andrew GarfieldWhere stories live. Discover now