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(Comment any errors! This isn't edited! ANDREW IS PETE AND TOM IS PETER)

Peter's POV

I open my eyes and look at the clock on the wall to see that it shows, 7:40. Shit! I jump up from the bed to wake up the others, starting with MJ. Her door is already open so I walk in and lightly shake her shoulder, "MJ? Get up, we slept in!" I tell her and she groans, opening her eyes, "Okay, okay, I'm up. Wake the others," she replies.

I walk to the living room when I notice the lights are back on and the street is silent. I make my way to the couches where Y/N and Pete are sleeping, with their hands touching. I remember all the nights when that was me, but it's over now. It looks like she really likes him and I'm happy for her.

"Hey, guys?" They don't reply so I pull the blanket off of Pete and he rolls off of the couch. "What the hell, dude!" He exclaims.

"You should be thanking me unless you wanted to sleep through the test as well?"

Y/N jumps up, "Huh!" She rushes to MJ's room and shuts the door, I'm guessing she is about to change her clothes. That's when Pete looks down at his clothes and then at mine then asks, "Do you maybe wanna-"


We remove our shirts and swap them before he rushes to the bathroom. I grab a banana to eat, but on my belt, and chuck on my sneakers. The girls come out all ready, MJ wearing a plaid shirt and jeans, Y/N wearing a blue dress with a jacket. Pete comes out of the bathroom so I go in to wash my face. I notice my breath stinks so I look around for some mouth wash, I find it luckily. I comb my hair when Y/N calls me, "Peter we are leaving!"

"Coming!" I hurry out and she hands me my backpack before we leave in MJ's car. 


As we do the English test, I find it easy and I guess the others are doing alright on it. Well, that is until I see Pete, who is still on the first page of the test while I'm on the last. I can hear his heart beating fast and he is sweating, trying so hard to understand the question but he can't get the pencil to touch the paper. I try and get the attention of MJ who is sitting beside me, I cough and she slowly looks at me. I point to Pete and she understands what I am trying to get her to do. 

She walks up to the teacher's desk and stands directly in front of him while she asks him a question. I take this as my chance to swap tests with Pete before she sits back down. I fill in the correct answers for him while Y/N notices us, so she walks up to the teacher herself to distract him again. I swap the tests back and she winks at us before I quickly finish the test. "Everybody drop your pens!" Our teacher says, collecting them. 

We walk out of class and head to our lockers for a break. "Thank you," Pete whispers, beaming at me. I smile back, this is the first time he actually smiled at me. 

Gwen and MJ walk up to us, "Damn, I really thought you got the hang of it last night Pete," laughs MJ

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Gwen and MJ walk up to us, "Damn, I really thought you got the hang of it last night Pete," laughs MJ.

"That was cool, what you guys did in there for him," says Gwen.

"Yeah, luckily Y/N noticed us and helped. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have been able to swap the tests over again," I answer.

"Where is Y/N anyway?" Pete asks right as she walks out of the bathroom. She looks upset and there are a group of girls that follow her out, laughing at her.  She pushes through the crowd, past us and we rush after her to the cafeteria where we sit. 

"Hey what just happened in there?" Pete asks her. 

"Nothing, don't worry about me. Do guys want me to grab you anything to eat?" She answers standing up but he pulls her back down.

"Don't worry about you? Of course, we worry about you!" He exclaims.

"Did those girls say or do something to you?" I ask her.

MJ scoffs, "Of course they did! Those girls are and will always be assholes."

"This wasn't the first time either Y/N," explains Gwen, "The past week I would notice them laughing at you and making fun of your clothes and look. Except I shrugged it off because I thought they stopped."

"This wasn't the first time?" I say, "Why didn't you say anything?"

"I just don't want to put pressure on you guys, I am still trying to figure out... why me?" Y/N states.

"They are just bullies, they are probably just jealous of you," Pete says, shooting closer to her.

"Jealous of what?" 

"Your intelligence, your skin and body, your dad, your shoes and clothes that they can't afford. Most of all, your beauty."

"You think I'm pretty?"


"You are way more attractive than those brats," I add.

She smiles before the girls walk in and find their seats. "If they are bothering you, Im going to have to do something-" Pete states.

"No!" Y/N replies, "I can deal with this on my own, I'm not a kid."

"Well it didn't seem like you were standing up to them before, instead you ran off."

"He has a point," says MJ, "You can't let them push you around like this."

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