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Your POV

I can't sleep. I have been stuck here for hours I'm guessing, and he hasn't come back once. I don't know his name, but he knows mine. I'm not sure if it's because I'm too uncomfortable, or because I'm scared, for the reason I can't sleep. I don't bother trying to escape because I am tied up too tight on my arms and legs. If I try and break free, I will just fall over and be stuck on the ground. I don't even want to think about how embarrassing that would be when someone walks in.

The door creaks open.

It's someone else.

He is taller than the boy from before and he looks angry. "I don't want to hurt you. And I won't need to if you give me exactly what I need. You may be very confused as to why you're here because you did nothing wrong. You're simply just a- "


He kneels down and lets out a long sigh. "What's your name?"

"You don't know my name?" That's ironic. I figured he should know my name since they're after my dad. 

"Why would we know your name?

"Why should I tell you?"

"Listen, I don't think you understand your situation right now. You're really getting on my nerves and you're just going to make this harder for yourself. We just need you to help us find someone, then we'll set you free."

"Well if you're waiting for my father to come and save me, then you're waiting for nothing. My boyfriend will notice I'm missing."

"Oh, we're not after your father."

"You aren't?" They aren't waiting for my dad.

These guys have no idea, do they?

"No, why would we? We need your brother."

"Brothe- I don't have a brother what are you talking about?"

"He must be your boyfriend then."


He nods.  

"Why do you want him? What did he do?"

"Isn't it obvious? You do know about his secret right?"

Shit. They know about Peter. They must work with Nate. He must have heard me say Peter's name and told them, and now they want their revenge. 

My attention is drawn back to the door where the boy from earlier, walks in. He doesn't make eye contact with me and a familiar face follows behind him. Nate. "So," he speaks, "Has anyone gotten anything useful out of her?"

The boy from before clears his throat and answers, "Well, Stark here knows that we want her father. She is stubborn and doesn't trust anyone-"

He gets cut off by the taller man who groans before looking back at me. "For the love of god! Why does everyone keep bringing up- wait a minute... don't tell me you're Y/N Stark?!"

I glare at the boy who just told them my name but he continues to stare at the man with a confused look on his face. 

He didn't know. "Wait, you mean to tell me that you didn't know who she is? Then why else would you need her?" The boy asks.

"Yes kid, thank you. The reason we have her, is because this is the girl who stopped Spider-Man from killing Nate. She also happens to be dating that boy. But my oh my, I never expected this!" He kneels back in front of me, "It's even better."

"Get the hell away from me."

He stands up and walks over to the others. "Did she tell you her name?" He asks the boy. 

"Not exactly Juan, but she thought I already knew because she thought the situation was completely different." Juan, that's the man's name.

"Sir, are you sure having Iron-Man looking for us is the best idea?" Nate explains to him, "Remember your brother? He chose a fight with him and he ended up getting killed. He is more dangerous than that Spider-Man guy."

"He's right," the boy adds, "He's a threat. His presence in his suit is lethal-"

"But they will never find us. If they are as smart as you say, then they will know that they need to let us take them. We'll find him without him in the suit," says Juan.

"What about Spider-Man? I don't think the suit matters for him, he just uses a mask to cover his identity. He has webs that come out of his wrists... I think."

"You guys are overthinking! We're the ones with the guns here!" He raises his voice.

My head aches. I shut my eyes for a moment while I continue to listen to all of them shouting over eachother. When I open them, I find the boy in front of me. "Is something wrong?" He asks.

Pretty dumb question if you ask me. "I'm great actually. It's not like I'm being held hostage," I reply. He scoffs and reaches for my forehead where the bruise is, "I'm sorry about that Y/N."

"What are you sorry for? Your guys beating me up, or for telling the others my name?"


"Ow!" He presses his finger against the bruise and cringes, I flinch back. The room is suddenly quiet again and he stands up. Everyone else walks out of the room andJuan glares at him and then back at me. I really don't like him. 

"You don't scare me," I say, trying to keep a straight face. I'm terrified. I hope they can't see through me. Juan gives the boy a look, causing him to suddenly make his way out of the room, but he slows down once he is behind him. Juan doesn't look back and instead steps closer to me,

"You're not scared huh? Do you think this is a joke? I have had enough of you, Stark, from now on, if I hear any more stupid words come out of your mouth, I will hurt you. The only time you are allowed to speak, is if I ask you questions, do you understand?" Juan shouts. 

I don't answer. I can't even move. I'm frozen.

He sighs and reaches for his back pocket, pulling out a gun in a swift move. The boy quickly steps in front of me, "Whoa! Hey, hey put the gun down," he exclaims, "before you do anything you will regret."

He reminds me of myself. I don't like it. 

Juan puts the gun back in his pocket and they both walk out and shut the door.

I might release the face claim and name of the boy in the next chapter.

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