Can I Trust You?

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Pete's POV

School has just ended and I start to walk out of the halls when I notice Y/N. She looks paranoid and as she grabs her backpack. MJ asks her if she is alright and she nods her head, following me outside to the parking lot. 

"Can someone please tell me why the hell everyone is giving me weird looks and pointing at me! Did I do something wrong?" She nearly shouts. 

"What do you mean? Who is?" I reply.

I look around and see a boy taking a photo of her back. "What the hell?" I mutter. 

"Those girls must have said something," she says.

"More like, they did something," replies MJ. She looks behind her and takes a paper off of her back, "You have  a little something here." 

I grab it and it says: 'I'M A FAT UGLY LOSER'. 

"Shit-" I tell her but she rips the paper and walks off to her dad's car. "Y/N!"

"We gotta do something about those bullies," Peter says. They leave and I make my way to the cafe near my house with Gwen to do my shift. She already works there and I had applied for this part-time job a couple of days ago, it put a smile on my aunt's face. Something I hadn't seen in a really long time.


It is nearly the end of my shift and I go to take an order from one last table. "Hello guys, are you ready to orde-" I start to say for the thirtieth time this hour when I get cut off.

"Pete! Hey, you never told me you worked here," Peter exclaims.

"Uh, it's my first day," I look at the person sitting with him, he is wearing a hoodie and I can't see his face. "And who are you here with?"

"That's just someone I work with

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"That's just someone I work with. Hey dude, take off your hoodie," Peter tells him. He removes it and we look at each other, his eyes widen. It's the guy from the party. He quickly stands up to leave but I slam him against the wall. I hear Gwen gasp and Peter tries to pull me back, "What the hell are you doing!" He shouts. The guy groans, 

"Someone get this maniac off of me!"

I turn around to Peter, "That's the guy that attacked Y/N!"

"Oh yeah," the guy snickers, "I remember you and that little girl of yours!"

"If you ever go near us again, I'll make sure you won't even remember where you came from you hear me?" I tighten my grip against his torso and he winces. "Don't you ever fucking come here again!"

"Pete!" Gwen yells and I let go, "Let him go."

 He runs out and I look at everyone staring at me. "What? The show's over," I say heading to the back of the cafe where the workers are getting ready to leave. I take off my apron and leave through the front door as Gwen hurries after me, "Hey Pete! Hey I know you're not in the mood but if you ever make a scene in there again, you will get fired. You're lucky the manager wasn't there to see it happen this time."

"Got it. See ya."

I get a text from my Aunt saying she is asleep so I decide not to go home. I want to make sure that Y/N is doing alright so I walk to her house. I climb up to her bedroom window and I don't open it until she replies. "Y/N, can I come in?" I ask quietly.

I don't hear anything back so I use my senses to try and figure out if she is in her room. I pick up on the sound of crying and I open the window and blinds and step in. I see her in the far corner of her room, on the floor with her head in her arms, sobbing. 

"Hey, oh my god what happened?"

 I ask her, sitting on the ground and she hands me her phone. It shows a viral video of her getting made fun of at the school, I scroll down and I see more photos and even memes.

"I'm a complete joke!" She says lifting her face up.

"No, no listen to me. We are going to get back at them alright? I'm not letting anyone get away with this," I tell her and I hug her. I think it's time she knows who I really am, I mean there isn't anyone else I trust more than her and she deserves to know. "Hey, follow me I want to show you something," I say looking at my web-shooters hidden under my sleeves, leading her to outside of her window.

She sniffles and hesitates, "What?"

"Is your dad home?"

"No, he is at the station, why?"

"Can you trust me?"

"Yeah, of course, I trust y-"

I push her out of the window and she screams, "What the fuck!" While she falls, I quickly leap outside, from off of the walls. Then I land onto the ground and catch her right before she hits the bottom. "Wha-how did you do that!?"

"Don't worry, I'll tell you how I did that, and much more. But first I need to know if I can trust you. "

"Wait, does this have something to do with how you suddenly got better at basketball, and how you beat up that guy twice your size at the party? 

"Yes, but before I tell you anything, can I trust you Y/N?"

"Of course, you can trust me, Peter. So, what's your little secret?"

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