(2-5) Back to Basics

Comenzar desde el principio

The night was dark and the moon hung in the sky, casting it's faint light over everything. It had lost it's cresent shape in the last seven years, collapsing under its own gravitational pull to become spherical once more. The blast had also moved it closer to earth. The gravitational pull it inflicted on Earth was about the same as it was before the moon blew up. Tidal patterns changed slightly, and werewolves had to change their schedule as there were more full moons, but nothing too drastic had occurred.

Three people stood on top of a roof, staring at a large warehouse. One of them, a blue haired male took out his phone.

"Hey Ritsu, can you scan this building for me?"

"Of course." Silence ensued for a few moments, and then the digital girl spoke again. "There seems to be a large congregation in the centre. A few guards elsewhere. It seems like some meeting in going on."

"What's the plan blueberry?" Karma asked.

"I'm going to play along with what they expect me to do. I want you two to sneak in and listen to what is going in. When I give the signal, join in."

"And the signal is?" Hayami asked.

"You'll know."

Nagisa hopped down from the roof and causally made his way towards the warehouse entrance. There, he found five guards, mostly asleep. One awoke to the sound of his footsteps and jumped up in shock, drawing his knife.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"I am Nagisa Shiota. I believe your friends know the location of my missing student?"

"AHH, we are expecting you. Come this way."

The guard kicked some of the dozing guards, and shouted at them a bit to help bring Nagisa to the central chamber. The bluenette couldn't help but realise how well this operation was put together. It was something a normal gang would bit be able to do. These guys were smart.

He reached the centre of the warehouse and was greeted with a large number of gangsters, surrounding a central podium, on which stood a tall, black haired man. Everyone in the room wore a jacket with a yellow sun embroidered onto the back. These guys were professionals.

"AHH, Nagisa, so nice if you to join us." The leader boomed.

"I have come to enquire about the whereabouts of one of my students. I was told you would know where he is."

"He's dead!" The leader shouted, before bursting into a fit of laughter. Nagisa could feel himself heating up. He managed to maintain control of himself however.

"Now my blue haired friend," the gang leader continued, "my name is Ipanaika, and you will die by the hand of the yellow sun gang!"

Nagisa smirked.

"I'll like to see you try."

Karma and Hayami slipped silently into the building through a conveniently broken window. They moved through the building as quiet as mice, not making a single sound. They encountered a total of three guards on their way. All had been quickly disposed of by Karma. He killed no one, but let's just say they won't be waking up any time soon. Hayami followed behind the redhead, carrying her sniper rifle. She took it everywhere with her, just in case. Her time at the ministry of defence had placed a target on her back. Numerous times had she hunted down an assassin before he did the same to her. This time, however, her rifle would only fire sleep darts instead of actual bullets.

The pair rounded the corner and stumbled upon three figures crouched down in front of them, staring into the corridor ahead. Karma got in position to take out one while Hayami set her sights on another. Karma paused. There was something familiar about this person's figure. Where had he seen her before? He tapped her on the shoulder.

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