xxvi. New Berk

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chapter twenty-sixnew berk

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chapter twenty-six
new berk

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    NO MATTER HOW far they ran, and how quick they soared, Valkyrie knew they'd have to stop eventually. Even if the end of the world was where their destination lied, it was far too far away to reach it in one trip. In the end, their dragons were going to get tired, their wings would drag down, and eventually, so would they, too.

    (And of course, one of them would have to end up going to the bathroom at least once!).

    Whatever Hidden World awaited them: safety, a Utopia, a sanctuary for both Viking and dragon, who knew, but what Valkyrie was sure about, was that she was about to pass out from exhaustion.

    She felt like she hasn't stopped since the fire. She's been moving and working, lifting and keeping Linnea company, flying and stressing about everything that could go wrong. Valkyrie needed a break. She needed to let her head fall onto a pillow━even if the bed was the earth━and drift off to sleep. But if she did, would she be able to rest? Or would she be awake again, dreading tomorrow and what it might hold.

    Linnea had long ago gone to sleep, rested against her father's chest as he took her for the second set of hours the flight held. Valkyrie watched breath cascade from her lips and felt a fresh wave of sadness settle over her. She shouldn't be like this━lying asleep, homeless, forced away from the place she was supposed to grow up by a man who thought it okay to threaten their lives, and their dragons' lives to get what he wanted. She was supposed to live the life Valkyrie always dreamed of her ... and now, everyone was so uncertain.

    Hiccup had said home is wherever they went. And it was a beautiful sentiment, but Valkyrie was having a hard time seeing the beauty in any of this.

    "How are you going?"

     Valka's voice made her glance sideways, rubbing at her eyes to keep them open and focused on the flight ahead. Despite the long trip, she looked as comfortable on the back of Cloudjumper as she had been from the very beginning. Hiccup's mother reigned the skies. There was nothing in this world that could get her away from it. She learnt to tame it, to understand it, to breathe it all. It often made Valkyrie let out a breathless sigh of awe and admiration. 

     She smiled, tired, not trying to hide it. Valkyrie slumped in her saddle, and gently brushed her fingers along the scales on Zephyr's neck as he crowed a guttural squawk, sensing her discomfort. "Tired," she said truthfully. "I don't think I've had a wink of sleep. It's all ... everything's happening so fast. Only yesterday I was walking the streets of Berk. Only yesterday I walked up to check on Gothi, and now ..." Valkyrie stared out at the endless clouds, "... now all that's gone ..."

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