Chapter 20: Backstories and new friendships.

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-WRITTEN-: 13th, May 2022.

-PUBLISHED-: 20th May, 2022.

After that night everyone had kept their guard up as another school day had begun. Everyone had been careful with what they said to me as I started to walk towards Diego's car before realizing that I needed a break from the whole atmosphere surrounding my friends and I.

I got inside of Diego's car before finalizing my plan and scrolling through the list of pros and cons. Pros won as I mentally prepared myself for what the consequences of my actions might be.

"Let's roll ladies," Diego said as he started the engine and I flicked through his playlist before playing 'Dandelions Ruth B'. The music blast through the speaks of Diego's Volkswagen Beetle as Kenzie and Alisha started singing along. 'Alisha's coming to school with us? Maybe she'll get a visitor's pass or something to stay with us.'

"Maybe it's the way you say my name," Kenzie sang as Alisha continued the next line.

"Maybe it's the way you play your game," The couple sang together, causing me to smile at them.

The beat of the song grew as I started singing along. "Cause I'm in a field of dandelions, wishing on every one that you'd be mine, and I see forever in your eyes, I feel okay when I see you smile, smile," I sang as Diego stopped by a traffic light getting closer to our school.

I watched as the car next to us wanted to race us as I shook my head at Diego who couldn't help but grin at me. "No," I said "Yes," He challenged me knowing that he would win seeing as he was the one behind the wheel and I was in the position of a shotgun passenger.

The traffic light turned green as both Diego and the other car sped up and raced. I watched as Diego sped up and grinned wildly. It was no secret that he loved to race and loved cars even more, all thanks to the fast and furious movies.

"And' I'm pretty sure that you are that love of mine, cause I'm in a field of dandelions, wishing on every one that you'd be mine, and I see forever in your eyes, I feel okay when I see you smile, smile," The song sang as Diego lost the race and slowed down by another traffic light causing our school came into view on the right. I watched the light change instantly from red to green.

Diego turned right and slowly pulled up at school as we all searched for parking spots. "There," Alisha said as Diego slowly reversed and parked into the parking spot. I knew that Diego's car wasn't much but he had been saving up for another car, something like a MINI Cooper.

I waited until Diego parked before looking at the couple at the back. "Are we ready for this?" I asked them as Alisha threw a smile my way. "Ready as we'll ever be," I smiled before unbuckling my seat belt and getting out of the car.

"Evie," I turned around at the sound of my cousin brother. "Rohan," I replied back in a deep impression of his voice. "What are you doing here?" I asked him as he gave me a side hug. "Well, I was wondering if you wanted to go out later today to meet Abhimanyu and Rhea?" He asked me as I nodded. "Sure, maybe after school..... Pick me up at 5 cousin dearest." I said, causing the girls around me to think of having a possible chance with Rohan.

"Oh, by the way how's Clare? No wait, was it Nancy?" I teased as he gave me his middle finger and walked away. "You really know how to push his buttons don't you?" I turned around to see Charles with his arm in a black colored sling as Jacob was nowhere in sight.

"Hey Le," I greeted him as I swung my bag onto my shoulders. Charles seemed to look tired as I realized there was a small bruise on his cheek. 'That son of a—- how could he hurt his own son?' I thought to myself.

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