Chapter 9: Babysitting the devil's brother.

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-WRITTEN-: 27th January, 2022.

-PUBLISHED-: 30th March, 2022.

It was Wednesday afternoon as I waited in front of the door of the Whitewood's house. Footsteps hurriedly walked towards the door as I heard a click and a grumble before the door of the Whitewood's house swung open. I was greeted by the sight of a black haired and brunette couple, the two snapped their fingers.

''Right then, you must be the babysitter.'' The 6,1 frame belonging to the black haired man said. I nodded afraid that my mouth would betray me the moment I opened it. ''Now, Charles will be down soon and around 12pm the butler will serve him lunch and prepare him for his cricket match, soon after his piano teacher will arrive followed by his tutor.'' The woman, who I assumed was Jacob and Charles' mother, spoke clearly.

''Oh and he's allergic to nuts so whatever he wants to eat just check the list before you give it to him.'' I nodded again as she spoke softly while looking at her son who had just arrived via running down the stairs.

''We'll be going now so don't get into too much trouble Charles,'' The mother said as she kneeled down and gave her son a quick hug before gracefully getting up and nodding her head towards me. I waited till they were out of the room before carefully approaching Charles.

''Hi, I'm Evelyn'' I said as he nodded his head slowly. ''I'm Charles.'' I smiled at him before he motioned for me to follow him. ''You know one of my friends' name is Charles.'' I told him as he led me towards the living room. ''So uh, what do you wanna do?'' I asked him, trying to make a conversation.

''Um well my brother and I always have a movie marathon when he's free and whenever our parents aren't home.'' He told me as he sat down on the couch patting down next to him. I sat down as a butler walked in. ''Master Charles, I have just received a call from you tutor saying that she would not be able to make it seeing as her car had broke down.'' Charles smiled sheepishly as he cleared his throat and nodded his head saying a small thanks to his butler. ''What's his name?'' I asked Charles once the man was out of ear shot. ''Alfred'' I snorted. ''Like batman?'' I asked as he nodded and whispered. ''Sometimes I think he and Jake are on the same team and are secretly fighting crime.'' I smirked already knowing that I was going to get along with Charles really well. 


Jacob's POV:

The whole entire time my mind was consistently roaming around the fact of whether it was a good decision to have Evelyn over or not. As soon as the meeting was over I rushed towards my car ignoring the flash of cameras and questions being thrown my way. "Let's go" I ordered as the driver started the engine and took off.

My head was surrounded with questions but one stood out: Who really was Evelyn Prince? She barely knew me and she seemed too good to be true, there had to be a motive behind her facade of niceness and need to help me. "Maybe your parents paid her to get close to you" I shoved that thought away and focused on Charles, he was the reason I was doing this; trying to keep him safe and give him a life where he was safe, where he didn't need to hide or pretend to be someone he wasn't. He wasn't going to turn out like me.

"Sir, we're here" I nodded and got off, thanking the driver and heading inside the house, I noticed that my parents weren't home 'That's a good thing' . I asked Alfred where Charles was and he told me that Evelyn and Charles had spent the day in the living room.

I followed him as we walked into the living room and I couldn't help but smile as I saw a sleeping Charles cuddling an almost knocked out by sleep Evelyn. I cleared my throat and rocked back and forth on my feet, listening to the ticking of the clock on the wall. I watched as Charles shifted a bit and seemed to have woken up. His eyes lit up as he saw me and pushed out of Evelyn's arms and ran to me. "Hey buddy" I said as I hugged him.

"Oh wow, I really feel the love Charles" Evelyn said as she got up and yawned. "You know I thought you were supposed to babysit him and not the other way around" I teased.

She rolled her eyes but smiled at me. "I- you know what never mind," Charles mumbled a small "let me go" as I ruffled his hair and pulled away from the hug. "Wait, what time is it?" Evelyn asked as I glanced at my watch "Almost 7-o-clock, why?" I watched as a look of horror dawned on Evelyn "Shit," She cursed as she flung the blankets away and quickly grabbed her belongings. "How could I be so careless? Argh, what am I going to say to my dad? 'Oh hey dad, no I'm sorry I'm home late and I know I told you I was babysitting my classmate's brother which I was and no, nothing happened and I'm sorry I fell asleep......." She stopped and screamed into a pillow, cuddling it.

I chuckled at her antics before looking at Charles. "Um shouldn't you get going?" He asked, causing her the pout. "I thought you liked me." Charles laughed and replied. "I do, it's just don't you have to go?" He asked. She nodded and grabbed her phone muttering something along the lines of stupid boys or something like that.

She then turned around looking directly at me. "No, nah." I said quickly as she stared at me with her brown eyes. "Please, I mean come on I baby-sitted your brother," She said and paused. "He's a handful but he's lovely okay? It's just a ride home, it's not the end of the world Whitewood." I frowned as she said my last name, I thought we were getting somewhere with being partners and all. "And.... I could get my chocolate sundae on the way too." Chipped in my brother.


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