Chapter 2: Partners with the devil.

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-WRITTEN-: September 6th, 2021

This took a while to write because of school work. But now it's the holidays so I will spend time writing and painting, drawing and having fun while also revising and practicing for my exams. 


-PUBLISHED-: September 29th, 2021.

The next morning the atmosphere was a buzz, people were gossiping about the fight between the prankster and former baseball captain Diego Martin and the rich kid Jacob Whitewood. I walked hand-in-hand with both Diego and Kenize, swinging our hands. We made our way to the reception as I saw the receptionist hand over a couple of papers to a person and point in our direction.

I watched as the person turned around and registered sharp hazelnut eyes and blonde hair, the girl smiled at me as she walked up to the three of us. I smiled at her and introduced ourselves. ''Hi, welcome to Jacksville High. I'm Evelyn Prince and these are my best friends Diego and Mackenzie Martin.'' I said as Diego nodded in acknowledgment and Kenzie smiled.

''I'm Nevaeh, Nevaeh Cassidy.'' The girl said as we started the tour. ''So over here is our reception, where you can come for school fee payments, medical attention, and signing out. Also, any calls from your parents regarding you should be made here.''

''Woah formal Eve, that's new.'' Diego teased.

''Better than you D.'' I said as Kenzie told Nevaeh to ignore 'the little kids.'

''Anyways our classes are scheduled with different drama queen teachers and filled with worse attention-seeking wanna-be teenagers,'' Diego said as Nevaeh agreed to his words.

''If you need any help feel free to let us know,'' Kenzie said as I nodded at her words.

''Alright, so our theater/auditorium is a separate building. It's opposite the courts. Any questions?'' Kenzie asked as Nevaeh shook her head and then paused.

''Wait, what about my classes?'' She asked.

Kenzie looked at her schedule and smiled brightly. ''You've got at least one of us in each of your classes, you have your first class with Diego,'' Kenzie said.

''Shall we madam?'' Diego asked in a British accent causing Nevaeh to laugh.

''We shall good sir,'' She said and the two were off to their first class.

''Well, I'll see you in Science class,'' I told Kenzie as I made my way towards History.

I pushed the door open and smiled at the teacher, Mr. Adams. Walking towards the back I took a seat as the bell rang and more students quickly came into class.

''Good morning class, this term we're going to be covering important world events such as wars, pandemics, world meetings, etc. In this lesson, we'll be hopping onto a train ride to the Atlantic ocean, uncover the journey of 'the titanic' to be exact.'' Most students just nodded their heads knowing that when it came to studying and work Mr. Adams was a little more lenient and understanding than other teachers.

''But that does not mean I will not be giving you work--'' Mr. Adams got interrupted as the door creaked open and in came a 6ft,1 figure with grey eyes. ''Ah, Kaleb nice to see you take a seat.'' The figure, Kaleb, nodded his head and started to make his way towards the middle of the class. He took a seat as girls started giggling, I rolled my eyes and looked back at Mr. Adams.

Opening his laptop Mr. Adams switched his page to a documentary he found. 'We'll only watch the first few minutes, specifically the introduction and then we'll discuss your tasks.''

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