Chapter 13: Cake errands for the birthday girl.

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-WRITTEN-: 4th April, 2022.

-PUBLISHED-: 14th April, 2022.

Looking at the time on my phone I sighed waiting for the eldest Martin sibling. "Where are you Diego?" I asked out loud trying to control my nerves of being alone on the street outside the cake store. 'Okay so maybe I should have brought someone with me.' I thought to myself as I tried to take my mind off the current situation.

I scrolled through my messages and decided to bother Jace.

"Hey I'm bored and waiting for Diego to pick me up so please be my source of entertainment."

He replied instantly.

"Are you waiting alone? And sure I'll be your source of entertainment."

I smiled at his concern.

"Um maybe but I'm a big girl and I can take care of myself. It's just the famous cake shop, you know the one owned by Mel, Mel Smith."

"Okay, so how's your surroundings?"

"If your that concerned Jace just come and pick me up because quite honestly Diego isn't here and I've been waiting for the past 15 minutes and my overthinking is not helping me at all."

". . ."

I waited for his response.

"Hello?? Did I break you??"

"No, I just — coming to pick you up, stay put and I'll have a word with your so called best friend tomorrow."

I rolled my eyes and mumbled curse words to the stubborn blonde with the name of Jace Rodriguez. I exited the message with him and decided to let Diego know that I was getting picked up and not to worry about me and focus on distracting the family.

I moved a little closer towards the street light as I saw a figure move from the shadows. 'Oh holy Hades, this is such a tragic way for a demi-god to die.' I thought as I rocked back and forth on my feet. 'I can see it in the headlines; "Girl dies making errands for the birthday girl." Truly tragic.' I held the box closer as a car pulled up and the lights hit on the figure. It was a cat, more specifically a black cat.

I sighed in relief as the window was pulled down. "Get in wise girl." And those words were said by Jace Rodriguez as I approached the car. I opened the door as he made 'give me' hands towards the cake box.

"Thanks for the lift." I said as the driver nodded. "No problem, Evelyn." Kaleb. I almost gawked at him; he looked different. His hair was messy and he looked more comfortable and free. I cleared my throat and chuckled at both brothers' states. "Sleepy?" I asked as Jace rolled his eyes playfully at me. "Yeah, but bubs I still pull this off don't I?" I 'hmmed' and switched my phone on again.

"Don't I?" Jace asked again as I shook my head. "Honestly you guys can pull anything off, don't get any ideas." I said as Kaleb stopped at a traffic light. "Um, do you know where to go??" I asked him as his grey eyes met mine. "Yeah, I've been there a few times when I joined the baseball team." 'Damn you Athena, if this is a kid of yours then Aphrodite really knows what she's doing with the two of us.' I leaned back and thought about how Jace was really nice, like weirdly really nice. 'Demi-god senses are tingling . . . I have my very own Peter tingle.'

"So, why were you alone outside the shop?" Kaleb asked as I sighed at these two boys' attempts at casually starting a conversation but it wasn't like I could say much. "Well, we were at Kenzie's house celebrating her birthday when the cake designer, Mel, called me telling me that an emergency came up so she couldn't drop off the cake so I had to pick it up so here we are and I'm really grateful you decided to pick me up." I said as both boys gave me a look.

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