Chapter 11: Arcade games gone wrong.

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-WRITTEN-: March 31, 2022.

-PUBLISHED-: April 8th, 2022.

The morning started out great as we had everything planned for her birthday; tomorrow was the youngest Martin's birthday and she was turning 16 tomorrow. It was ironic seeing as Kenzie was the most well-known and probably the one that everyone thought was the eldest out of the two siblings but she was actually the baby of our trio.

Yes, today was March 19th and everything had to go well. Our plan was in motion, all Kenzie knew was that we were celebrating her birthday early because her birthday was booked for someone in my family's function, other than that she had no idea what we were doing.

I walked into the kitchen greeting my mum and dad as I grabbed my phone and messaged Diego.

"We're still on for the baking contest?"

Instantly he replied, I smiled. 'This boy.'

"Yes, yes we are and Alisha is coming..... I'm so excited to be reunited with my future sister-in-law." I laughed, damn we were both already planning their marriage.

"So, we're definitely planning a June wedding right?"


I waited for him to reply as I got up and helped my mum with sitting up at the table as dad was making breakfast.

"Well duh, we're going to make Caroline Forbes Salvatore proud with the June wedding."

"Yes we are,"

I placed 3 glasses on the table as mum put another one, I frowned. "For Diego," I laughed as I realized that she always expected him to come home. "Mama Am, your favorite child is home." There he was, walking through the door with flowers in his hands was Diego. He grinned at me as my mum hugged him. I smiled at him as they pulled apart and he handed her flowers. "You didn't have to hon," Mum said as she quickly grabbed a vase and filled it with water. "Yeah, you totally didn't have to give mum flowers and not me," I teased as he greeted my dad. "You're just jealous," He said as I chuckled. "Nah, I would've been if they were sunflowers.'' I got up and gave him a big hug.

"What missed me too much?" He teased as I scoffed playfully and hugged him tighter. "There's no such thing as too much." I told him as we pulled apart. "I just thought you'd be mad at me after the stunt with the Whitewood brothers," I confessed as he sighed. "I was but then I saw the younger Whitewood, Charlie no wait– Charles, and I realized that I couldn't judge him because of his brother and I couldn't be mad at you because you're my sister, maybe my favorite sister when Kenzie becomes too much to handle." He said, joking about Kenzie. "Speaking of Kenzie, where is she??" I asked as we both washed our hands.

"Dad decided to take her out for a while since they haven't been on their 'Dad and daughter date.' and well mum and I decided to just relax and plan for the day. We just told Kenzie we were going to do something small and well, we figured she'd just buy the excuse." He said as he pulled the chair out for me. "Still the fine gentleman I see." I teased and sat down and adjusted my chair as he sat down.

"No, it's just there are times when I look back at us hanging out, I realized that I was treating you more like a friend than a girl." He said as I frowned at his words, he looked at me and continued talking. "Sometimes I forget to give you the respect you deserve and treat you like a queen, the same applies with Kenzie but she's my sister so that's a different case but that doesn't mean I don't try to treat her out whenever I can." I smiled at his words. "You know, even though Mrs. Martin was only in our lives for a few years. I know that she'd be super proud of who you and Kenzie are and will be..... And not to mention your actions reflect your upbringing and both of them raised you well." He smiled at me and motioned for us to eat which caused me to crack up.

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