Chapter 3: The craving for ice cream on those days.

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-WRITTEN-: September 30th, 2021

Sorry, I've been revising for exams.

-PUBLISHED-: October 20th, 2021.

I groaned as my stomach hurt in pain, it was those days. I prayed for this class to go faster as Jacob and I still had made no progress. Mr. Adams had noticed this but chose not to say anything, almost as if he knew we'd get somewhere sooner.

I sighed and placed my arms on the table, laying my head on the table. I heard Jacob sigh and turn around. ''Alright Prince, favorite color??'' He asked.

I continued staring at the window. ''Black,'' I muttered, not caring about the answer.

''Like your soul.'' He joked as I rolled my eyes and looked at him, having my chin resting on my arms.

''Seriously Prince, you were right.'' He said as I scoffed. ''That's a first coming from you,'' I said as he rolled his eyes.

''Fine, yellow and blue,'' I answered as he nodded and wrote it down.

''Yours?'' I asked.

''Blue or black,'' He paused, decided what to say, and then continued. ''Not because I have a dark soul like people think but because it's a comforting color black and blue has so many different shades it's just nice I guess.'' He said as I nodded along with his words.

''Sure, favorite food?'' I asked.

''Umm butter chicken or tacos.'' He said as I agreed on the butter chicken part.

''Butter chicken is mine,'' I said as he smiled slightly but then dropped it.

''My mum's homemade butter chicken is to die for,'' I said and laughed.

''Favorite celeb??'' He asked as I thought for a while.

''Umm don't have one, yet,'' I answered as he nodded.

''Understandable, mine is Taylor Swift or Selena Gomez,'' I looked at him surprised as he chuckled.

''They've been through so much but they tell their haters to back off because they won't allow the haters to get to them, they're both so alike and their songs are fire.'' He said as he then looked at me with a dead-serious expression.

''Don't tell anyone else, Prince.'' He said as the bell rang.

I sat there in surprise because of his words, wow.

I got my things and walked out of the room, I sighed and went to the bathroom. I went into a free stall and locked it, I changed and flushed the toilet. Walking out I rubbed my hands with soap and then washed them. I closed the tap and dried my hands using the paper towels.

I walked out of the bathroom almost bumping into someone in the process, I apologized and then quickly walked to my music class. I sighed in relief as I walked in a few seconds before the teacher started the roll.

Taking a seat I noticed I was in the front row, just great.

''Dawn.'' ''Here''

''Sasha.'' ''Here.''

''Ashley.'' ''Here.''

''John.'' ''Here.''

''Sebastian.'' ''Here.''

''Evelyn.'' ''Here.''

''Kaleb.'' At that name there was silence.

''Kaleb??'' The teacher questioned the class.

''Here.'' All heads turned to the voice, there stood the grey-eyed Kaleb. ''Sorry for being late Mr, basketball practice.'' He said as the teacher nodded.

''It's okay, just not often okay?'' The teacher said as Kaleb nodded his head and took a seat, which was on my left.

I listened to the teacher explain how we had to create a music piece for the drama class. I smiled remembering Diego was in that class, what a drama king he is. I rested my head on my arms as I looked up to the teacher now dismissing us for practice. I sighed and got up.

I watched as a group of girls raced a group of guys to the nearest room. ''We call dibs.'' I heard a girl with brown hair shout. ''Nah, we called dibs first.'' One of the guys replied as I walked towards the instruments. I grabbed my guitar and smiled.

''Evelyn,'' I turned around and saw Sebastian standing in front of me with his drumsticks. ''Hey, Seb,'' I said as he cracked a smile at the nickname.

''We ever going to regroup?'' He asked as I gave him a confused look. ''Our band.'' He said as I gave him a shrug.

''Honestly, it was something we had and it was great but the rest of us split up and now we're down to two members or well, ex-members considering there is no band,'' I said as he sighed.

''Well, those were the good days.'' I laughed as he paused. ''That made me sound so old.'' He said as we laughed.

''So what are we creating for the drama class?'' I asked.

''We each have to create a section of the drama piece to suit the scene and we can choose our scenes.'' I nodded along to his words. ''OOh and we can work in pairs, individually or in groups.'' He said as I asked to work with him.

''Sorry Eve, I- I'm working with one of my friends from the other class, and yeah,'' He said and sent me a smile.

''Relax Seb, it's not the end of the world,'' I told him and decided to visit the drama class to choose my section of a scene.

Walking out of the room, I quickly walked down the stairs, making my way to the studio. In front of me were all the students and the teacher was just about to dismiss the ready-to-scatter students.

''Um, I'm part of Mr. D's class and as a class, we're assigned to create a music piece for a chosen section of your drama play,'' I told her as she nodded. My eyes trailed over to Diego's as he smirked at me.

''Yes, I heard, and you're more than welcome to get your job done, class go do your thing.'' The teacher said and everyone scattered trying to find a place to rehearse. Diego walked up to me smiling.

''Hey, Prince,''

''Hey D, so can I see your part?'' I asked him as he chuckled.

''Straight to the point I see, and sure I guess but I warn you it's not the best as others in this class.'' He said as I scoffed. ''We both know that's a lie D.'' I told him as we moved towards the small field area.

He grabbed his laptop and went onto Youtube as I saw the music teacher arrive followed by an amused Kaleb Rodriguez. ''Evelyn I hope you don't mind but I decided to pair you up with Kaleb.'' Kaleb smiled as I smiled back at him and nodded at Mr. D.

''Sure, that's fine anyways I was just going to see Diego's piece of the section and then I would have looked at the others,'' I told both of the people in front of me.

Diego nodded and played the music. ''If looks could kill.'' by Jeremy Shada. I smiled as I watched him break out into some moves before shaking his head. He paused before breaking into a smile and running inside towards the drama teacher.

I hid my giggle as I noticed the teacher was gone and only Kaleb remained. ''So,'' I said as we stood in silence once again. ''I think we'll create a music piece for Diego's section,'' Kaleb said as I smiled brightly.

''Diego is awesome trust me, he may seem like an idiot but he's not except his taste buds he eats the weirdest combinations like ice cream and pickles, eggs and jelly-like I swear to God his taste buds act like he's pregnant--'' I stopped talking when I saw Kaleb looking at me amused as I smiled at him sheepishly.

Diego came back and smiled at the two of us. ''I believe we have work to do people.''

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