Chapter 1: The beginning of it all.

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-WRITTEN-: August 17th, 2021

I decided to make this long and because of school work, I spent a couple of minutes working on this story, anyways enjoy reading and stay safe. :)

-PUBLISHED-: September 6th, 2021

The bell rang as students poured out into the hallway all making their way towards the cafeteria. Laughter and snickers reached the ears of Kaleb Rodriguez as a group of boys came out of the gym covered in green slime and rushed past him.

Noticing in the corner of his eye he saw the figure of Jacob Whitewood cursing at the masterminds behind the prank, resisting the urge to roll his eyes; instead, Kaleb looked forward to meeting the faces that belonged to the pranksters.

Turning around he saw a sneak peek of black hair, hurriedly he made his way towards the back entrance of the gym, catching a glimpse of a 5.5 figure retreating towards the lockers.

Blending in the shadows I watched the girl scold a blonde-haired boy and then burst out laughing. I frowned. Who was she? Did she even go here?

I listened as the two started talking.

''I still can't believe we went with this, D.'' The girl said as her eyes lit up and she laughed.

''Eve, you and I both agreed to this plus this the idiot deserves it.'' The boy reasoned.

''Your right, D just don't do anything stupid.'' She said as I watched the two.

''When have I ever done something stupid?'' He asked as she raised her eyebrows.

''Okay, well I won't this time okay?'' He said as I realized that he was Diego Martin, the former baseball team's captain. How did they know each other?

''Promise?'' She asked softly.

''I promise, Evelyn.'' The boy answered with a reply full of honesty.

Evelyn, that was her name.


I smiled as Diego promised me, his eyes held full honesty and his posture too. With smiles plastered on both our faces, we turned around and walked back inside, not before I noticed a black-haired boy in the corner.

Ignoring the feeling of discovery waiting to burst I decided to quickly follow Diego and go back to class. We moved past a crowd gathered near the gym bathrooms, boys laughter and howls were heard as girls giggled and flirted with the tall, lean, and athletic guys. I gagged inwardly, thanking God I wasn't like one of them.

Quickly catching up with Diego I slipped my hand into his, seeking the warm comfort provided by his hands. He squeezed my hand as if to say that 'I'm right here.' and I sent him a small smile. We walked past a group of girls until we heard a voice speak loudly.

''Martin!'' The voice called out, causing us to stop. I looked at Diego as he shrugged and turned around. I prayed that this wasn't going to cause any unwanted problems for us; for me.

Meeting the gaze of the person, the first thing I registered was the brown iris that held fury and rage, the clenched fists resting by his sides, and the brown hair barely visible to the naked human eye had been covered by green slime. I had been graced by the presence of Jacob Whitewood.

I mentally prepared myself for what was about to go down.

Jacob took a step forward as a squash was let out from the slime causing me to chuckle. He glared at me as Diego took a step in front of his gaze, blocking his gaze from me. The tall figure frowned as Diego squeezed my hand, sending messages of 'don't panic.' and 'leave this to me.'

N O T I C E Dजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें