59 Not in Oz Anymore

Start from the beginning


Several hours later we are walking up to an industrial building in a seedy part of town. Dante's Den is the next closest BDSM club after Bliss but didn't hold the best reviews.

Walking up to the unmanned front door, crowded with smokers makes my skin crawl. I grab Natasha's arm and pull her to a stop, just short of the door.

"I don't know about this..." I say, casting a wary glance over her shoulder to the door.

"That's just your nerves talking!" Natasha laces her fingers with mine and walks briskly up to the front door, dragging me behind. Becca follows, her heels clicking on the uneven pavement.

Not wanting to have any trouble at the door Nat made sure we were all dressed in club-appropriate dresses and set it up that Igor was our escort. The man's frown deepens to a scowl as we make our way up the shoddy stairs.

"We'll be out in fifteen minutes," Nat calls, parking him outside.

I shiver, feeling countless eyes on us from the smokers crowding the door. Nat pushes the doors open and looks around to check-in. The dimly lit foyer opens to the play floor and a clearing in the middle.

The hair on the back of my neck stands on end as she finds the coat check. "I don't think we should be here..."

"Come now ladies, there's nothing to be intimidated by." Our attention snaps to a man leaning on the wall to the right of the coat check.

He's tall, lean and wearing some sort of black leather uniform with a military feel. His dark eyes are locked on Becca, but he spares each of us an appraising glance.

"We're good," Nat clips. She faces the man and glares at him as she crosses her arms over her chest.

His thin smile falls and he pushes off the wall to tower over her. "Watch that smart mouth of yours, this isn't Bliss."

"Clearly," Nat scoffs under her breath. She grabs my hand and pulls me past him as I tow Becca with us. I'm only too happy to let the crowd swallow us up but that relief is short-lived.

"I think we should go," I mumble, noting the attention we're getting. Men and women of all ages and descriptions practically salivate as they look us over.

"We've come this far, let's just find her and go." Becca counters.

I sigh and look around, not having a clue where to start or how we can find her, but she's right, we're already here. "Okay..."

This club isn't run anywhere near as well as Bliss. Anne goes overboard with her cleaning and security staff whereas this place seems to lack supervision and is grimy. The floor is gritty and dark underfoot, the stench of sex and sweat overpower the air and the dimly lit cavernous room feels like a maze.

Finally, we manage some space and find ourselves on the edge of someone's scene. A petite, pixie-looking woman with short curly brown hair and big hazel eyes is in the center. My stomach drops at the look on her face and the fear in her eyes as she backs away from the Dominant with her palms up.

"P-please, S-sir," she whimpers. "I don't want to do this."

He grabs her outstretched wrists and jerks her harshly towards him. The sharp ring of his meaty slap on her tender cheek sends my heart racing. A cruel smile slips on his lips as he rips her top and shoves her towards a stand.

"Please I don't want to," she cries out. Crocodile tears stream down her cheeks but they don't faze him or the crowd who jeer him on.

He grabs a fistful of her hair and jerks her head back. "Be a good little slut and do as your told!"

She sobs loudly and breaks down, leaving me on the edge of panic. I look frantically around but no one is going to step in, something is wrong and no one will help her.


He slaps his hand over her mouth, and tightens his hold on her neck, making her cough. With a weary look around, he leans in close and whisper-yells at her.

"You wanted this and now you're going to embarrass me?! Ungrateful slut!" The woman sobs harder and chokes once more, her legs shaking to the point of collapse.

"She's had enough!" Becca growls. She steps closer, gaze locked on his in challenge.

The man turns to glare daggers at us, stunned by her outburst. His distraction is enough to let her shake her head free of his hand.

"Red!" She cries out.

He looks at her in disgust and lets her fall to the ground. She stays on the ground in a grovelling heap but he steps back.

"Such a fucking disappointment." He gives is a final glare and storms off leaving her huddled on the ground as the crowd turns their backs on her in search of their next entertainment.

I finally snap out of my stupor and go to her, kneeling on the filthy floor. She looks up at me through teary lashes and just cries harder.

"Come on honey, let's get you cleaned up." Nat helps her to her feet as Becca holds the shredded clothes together. I faintly make out the sign for the bathrooms and beeline for them, cringing as we enter.

"I shouldn't have done that," she mutters to herself. "Oh my god, what was I thinking! D-do you think he'll take me back?"

"Back?! Why the fuck would you go back to him?!" Natasha growls, making the woman flinch back.

"Nat!" I hiss. The poor woman is on the edge of hysterics, the last thing she needs is tough love.

"What's your name?" Becca asks. She shows up with clean paper towels and wets them to gently clean up her tear-stained cheeks. "I'm Becca, this is Izzy and Natasha isn't as scary as she looks."

"Madison." She shakes like a leaf, her nails digging into my arm as she grips them.

Suddenly my problems seem so insignificant by comparison and all I want to do is get her out of here fast.

"Madison, why don't we go and get some coffee or something and talk, hmm?" I flash her a small smile, hoping to coax her.

"But I have to fix this, I shouldn't-"

I can't help but notice countless bruises and cuts along her arms. Given what I saw on stage I can't help but wonder if they were consensual...

"Honey, you have every right to safeword if you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, or if you didn't agree to it." Nat struggles to keep her anger under control but is losing the battle.

Madison breaks down once more. "He warned me not to, that if I embarrassed him, I'd be sorry..." She turns her broken hazel gaze to mine, searching for answers. "I told him I didn't want to do that, why did he make me."

"It's official, I fucking hate it here!" Becca snaps. "Let's go, come with us Madison."

"I-I can't leave my friend here alone." Her voice is full of longing but there's a shred of relief there too as she regains control. "Thank you for being so nice." She forces a teary smile before she moves to the door.

"They're not all like this," I call out, freezing her at the door. "Come find us at Bliss, it can be so much better." Hope shines in her eyes and she nods before slipping out.

My mind races as I follow her out a moment later with Nat and Becca. This was a mistake.

With a growing sense of unease, I stride down the dank hallway, my eyes darting side to side. I come up short as a dark shadow blocks my way.

"Leaving so soon?"

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