Chapter 25-#1 Groupie

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**The next morning**

"Good morning, Quinnie," Sam whispered as he gently nudged me awake. I groaned and covered my face with my pillow as he giggled to himself. "I brought you a cup of coffee," he said in a sing-song tone. I peeked over my pillow before finally sitting up and taking the cup from his outstretched hand.

"Morning, Samuel," I said softly between sips.

"Oh it's Samuel now?" he teased as he walked towards my dresser. I giggled and nodded in agreement as I watched him grab a pair of leggings, a sports bra, a cropped hoodie, and a some thick socks and toss them onto the edge of the bed. "Will these work for class?" He asked motioning towards the pile of clothes.

"Those are perfect, thank you," I replied as I sat the cup on my nightstand and stood up to get dressed. "I'd love to stay home with you all day, but I gotta go to class," I groaned before kissing his cheek and heading out.

When I walked in, Jake was back in his normal spot with a coffee cup in hand with my name on it. I beamed as I sat down beside him and he kissed my cheek. "Good morning, beautiful. How was your date with Sammy?" he asked sweetly.

"That's against the rules," I teased, "It was fun, though," I added, knowing he didn't actually have any ulterior motives by asking. He blushed when he realized what he had done.

"I'm sorry, love. I didn't mean to.." he said softly as we pulled out our laptops for class to start. He put his hand on my thigh underneath our desks and leaned his shoulder into mine, trying to make sure I was okay as he flashed me a nervous smile.

"It's okay, Jakey," I whispered, leaning in to kiss his cheek before the professor got started. He blushed again and squeezed my thigh gently in quiet contentment. The lecture droned on as we each took notes while trying to stay awake. Once it was over, we packed up our things before walking out together. The sun was much brighter now, and I giggled when Jake took the sunglasses from the neck of his t-shirt and put them on. I always judged him for having them hung there, but I was jealous in this particular moment.

"You can wear them if you'd like.." he said as he took them off and offered them to me. I shook my head no and leaned up to kiss him. The corners of his mouth curled into a smile and I couldn't help but smile back as I pulled away. "Hey, I'm not sure if Sam's told you, but we have a show coming up...and I'm sure we'd both like you to be there, I mean I know I would," he said nervously as he raked his fingers through his hair.

"I can't wait," I replied with enthusiasm before we made it to my next class. I kissed Jake on the cheek and hurried inside as he hurried to band practice.

The week flew by between school and dividing my time between the boys. It was a lot more difficult than expected already, but it felt fairly balanced since Sam and I slept together most nights, and Jake and I spent most days together.

"You're riding with Sam to the show, right?" Jake asked and I could hear him fidgeting with his bracelet through the phone. He was still having a hard time with Sam and I living together on top of dating, which was understandable..especially after my past transgressions. We hadn't talked about it as every time it got brought up, Jake would dismiss the discussion or change the subject, clearly uncomfortable even thinking about it.

"Yeah, that's the plan...are you nervous? Sam said this one is a little bigger than what you're used to.." I trailed off, hoping he'd jump in.

"A little," he admitted. "I'll feel better having you there, though," I could hear the smile in his voice as he continued, "This is our first real not in a bar or at a local festival, and I don't feels like a big deal."

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