I am the moon

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Sieg was a whore. Whore, whore, whore .

A shameless hedonist in all light, he was the biggest man-whore to walk the Earth in nearly two billion years and there'd been a lot. Aye, the way he went 'round, he should've been the proud carrier of twelve STDs by now and it wasn't for luck either—it was his loyalty. Sure he frequented night clubs like a new adult but he always returned to the same three for a good time with the same girls. Three girls...he called them his little half-wives and cared for them just as such.

So when Apple didn't come in that day, he took notice. Then a week or two went by and he realized he hadn't seen Laura-Lily either.

"Hey explorer?"

From the bed, Dora Bishop rolled over—she was still shaking from their recent go and sitting up was getting to be a struggle so she just curled up there all naked and watched him dress. "What's on your mind, Stud?"

"You haven't smelled any Sulfur anywhere 'round, have you?"

"Well it depends," she shrugged. "How much did you put in my bag?"

He stopped buttoning his shirt and looked at her, oh she stopped laughing then. "Look Sieg, I'm a hooker—the things I smell on a daily could curl your toes and your—"

They smirked at one another and Sieg went to her. He leaned over the bed all close 'til his face was hovering right above hers. "I can't stick 'round today, work and all. So I want you to be extra careful walking home, you understand? If even a bit of plastic seems outta place, you—"

"Yes, yes I know—call. Now go away and leave out the ropes, the whips, the leather, the gag ball— hell actually, leave out the whole shebang. First customer is a BDSM fanatic." And she finally managed to get out of bed.

Sieg could still taste her minty lip-balm on his lips when he left the hotel, but that did nothing to soothe his mind. Something just felt off...weird even but what?

He shrugged it off. He always craved spicy things after the walk o' shame, so he went to this fusion place he always ate at and told them to go to town on his order. "I'm talking California reaper, Louisiana pepper—if it's hot, throw it in with the lot, Mama." And they did. Jesus. Leaving, Sieg took a wing to his mouth and nearly had a stroke. He licked his lips. "Awesome."

He was only just getting back to his truck when he saw her, a woman. He wouldn't have noticed her had it not been for her drunken gait, he wouldn't have kept looking had it not been for the shallow, rapid breaths that he could hear leaving her. Then he saw the red leaving her open ribcage and that was enough.

"Hey, hey, hey" He caught her just as her legs gave out and gave her a little shake. "Who did this to you?  Who, I say—What's your name?"

The moon fell upon her pale face and Sieg almost screamed elf. He shook her again when he felt the breath leaving her body, when her eyes begin to fall. He shook her again and repeated his question. "Who are you?"


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