Chapter Twenty One = Reaction Deviations And Lullabies

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Natali returned with a young girl, who was identical to Brianne, at least, at first glance. At a second glance, or even just a longer look over, one would notice their largest difference Brianne had light green eyes, this new girl had dusty pale blue.

"Adrianna!" Brianne cried, putting her icy pole down on the wrapper on the table, and throwing her arms around her twin.

Not even caring if someone took her Popsicle. She hadn't seen Adrianna in way too long.

Adrianne gladly hugged her back. "Ohh, I've missed you."

"I've missed you too," Brianne sniffed back tears.

"Milli," Natali spoke up, "did you want to grab Adrianna an ice cream?"

"Sure Mum," Milli grabbed the box off the counter, where she'd placed it and forgotten to put it back in the freezer.

"Thank you," Adrianne smiled at Milli as she accepted the treat.

But as one might have guessed, the iceream had began to melt after sitting out and about halfway through her ice-cream, a large chunk fell off the stick and splattered on the floor.

The twins reacted in sync, gasping and flinching away. That was where their similarities ended.

Adrianna breathed a slow sigh before she bent down to clean it up. Oki and Natali moving to help her.

Brianne threw herself in between Adrianna, and Oki and Natali. Tears welling in her eyes as she flinched visibly again. Clearly from pain this time.

Natali and Oki froze looking at Brianne curiously before realization dawned.

Natali gently took Brianne's hands. "It's okay Sweetie, we weren't going to hurt her. It was an accident. And even if it wasn't... You and both your sisters are safe here. We'd... We'd never do anything to hurt you."

While Natali was consoling Brianne, Oki had moved around to help Adrianna pick up the ice cream and wipe the floor.

"Thank you," Adrianna smiled shyly, she too had tears in her eyes, but she was blinking them away rapidly.

"It's no problem," Oki smiled back.

Adrianna turned back as Natali let go of Brianne, whose hands were now shaking in her lap. She smiled sadly, and reached out to hug her sister again. Brianne hugged her back, their tears starting to fall.

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As everyone finished their popsicles, they started heading back to the lounge together. Katy, Adrianna and Brianne were all talking excitedly together. Parts of their conversation jumping out at the others.

"Why didn't you come and visit?" Katy asked.

"We tried," Adrianna answered. "Marcus turned us away."

That was something Natali, Oki, Milli and Mark noticed. Adrianne never called him Dad or Father. He was always Marcus.

"Where is Gran?" Brianne asked.

"Probably back home now."

"How is she?" Katy asked.

"Yeah, she's pretty good. Misses you two a lot."

"Did she drop you off?"


"You should have invited her in," Katy answered.

"Oh, no that's okay. She had to get back home. There's a plumber coming around to look at the sink."

"Okay. What's wrong with the tap?" Katy asked.

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