Chapter Eight = Cooking And Games

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"I'm going into town for somethings," Natali piped up. "Does anyone want anything?"

"Can I come with?" Mark asked.

"Me too?" Milli piped.

The kids had been considering going for a walk sonnce they were so bored, but a trip into town sounded much more exciting.

"Can I go too?" Brianne asked.

"It's fine by me, if your sister doesn't mind."

"I'm sorry Brianne. We can't be seen, or... Well, you know what will happen."

Brianne's shoulders sagged, but she didn't say anything more.

"I'll stay, with you instead," Milli changed her mind.

"Oki you're in charge," Natali said as she and Mark left.

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"Brianne, do you and Milli want to help me make lunch?"

"Umm... I would. Milli?"

"Sure. I don't mind."

Milli and Brianne headed into the kitchen, but Oki paused.

"Katy, Kitty, what do you want for lunch?"

"Umm, we don't mind, do we Kitty?"


So, Oki went and joined the younger girls in the kitchen.

Milli had opened up the freezer and she and Brianne were looking inside.

The meal the three girls decided on was far more a dinner meal than a lunch meal, and yet it was relatively simple to cook. Chicken nuggets and vegetarian croquettes.

Brianne noticed small container of cold lamb in the fridge and suggested she could make a Lamb Tzatziki salad.

"If you have all the salad stuff," she finished.

Oki hadn't heard of it before, but she liked lamb and Mark liked salad so she couldn't see where it would go to waste.


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It only took Brianne a few moments to pull a few handfuls of leaves off the lettuce head. She rinsed and sliced those carefully before chopping them.

Afterwards, she peeled and grated carrots although awkwardly and slowly.

Milli and Oki put the nuggets and croquettes on to cook. Since they had nothing else to do afterwards they asked if they could help.

Brianne was more than happy to hand over the peeler and carrots. Milli peeled while Oki grated.

She moved throughout the kitchen methodically, for the most part, stopping only to ask Oki where something was.

They didn't have lamb yurious, the packaged lamb her mother would normally use, but they did have actual lamb which she had already decided to use. They didn't have Tzatziki sauce either, but she was able to whip up a substitute of Greek yogurt and sour cream.

They didn't have pregrated cheese, a grater and a block of cheese fixed that issue quickly. They didn't have cucumber but they did have celery. She didn't know how that would turn out, but she decided to throw some in anyway.

Brianne chopped the lamb slices into small rectangles.

Soon all the prep work was done and Brianne began to dish it out onto plates for everyone.

When Feral Kids meet Runaways जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें