Chapter Eighteen = Stolen Lunches And Grey Wolf

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"It was on a picnic much like this that we met Oki," Milli chattered to Brianne.

The two girls were walking alongside Natali, while Katy and Kitty walked ahead with Mark and Oki, the latter two walked barefoot.

"Really?" Brianne asked, as Milli and Natali helped her over a fallen log. Natali had driven them as close to the severely overgrown driveway as possible. Oki had ran up there from the house and marked the entrance for them the night before.

Noone would even know it existed, she had told Mark and Kitty. Kitty thought that was perfect. Mark thought it was kind of sad that the girls had to want something so far out of the way.

"Yep!" Milli hopped over herself, followed by Natali. "Of course, back then we didn't have the gas cooker, so we just packed sandwiches and fruit and stuff."

"What happened the first time you met Oki?" 

Milli laughed, "She literally stole our lunch right out of our bags... Couldn't even open the lunch box, just bashed it against a tree until it broke open."

Brianne giggled, "Did she talk to you that day?"

Milli shook her head, "No, after eating she ran away, but i wanted to see her again. So, I badgered Mom until she brought me out again. We brought her some food we thought she might actually enjoy, like, meat and stuff."

"What about Mark?" Brianne asked.

Milli shrugged. "I wasn't there, I was visiting my friend Emily that day."

"That's it just there!" Mark shouted back to them, letting the three females who hadn't been there yet, know they had arrived.

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Oki, Kitty and Katy chose a spot out of the way on the far right of the cabin. Next to a line of fallen stones, they guessed it might have once been a rock wall.

By the time Natali, Milli and Brianne got there, they'd cleared a section of large sticks and branches.

Natali lay the blanket out on the cleared area. Everyone sat down.

Natali put their picnic basket down, and Mark set the gas cooker up for them.

Brianne chose a spot with her back to the old stone wall, although she couldn't lean back against it so Milli wasn't sure why. None the less Milli sat next to her.

“This might take a bit to heat up and cook everything,” Natali told them.
“So, will you two girls be okay to watch it while I go have a look at the house with Katy and Kitty.”

“Yeah,” Brianne nodded.

“Sure Mom,” Milli smiled.

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Natali walked into the house followed by everyone but the two young girls.
She looked around the derelict structure and shook her head slightly.

“I understand wanting your independence, but maybe there’s somewhere else you can get that?” She said, “this place is going to take months of work.”

Everyone laughed.

“That’s exactly what Mark and me said,” Oki chuckled.

“Maybe,” Katy agreed. “but this way... We don't have to worry about unwanted visitors..."

They all knew who she really meant.

Natali scuffled the broken glass and debris around with her leather boots. “Okay. I’ll help however I can. How are the stairs?”

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