Chapter Seventeen = Check Up And Picnic Plans

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Well this certainly took a long time to get out. We're sorry about that. But I'm sure you all know how life gets.
Anyway, here's part five. Sorry it won't be the last part like we thought... Guess we just couldn't stop writing.
Also I have huge issues with finishing a story so maybe that's why this part just sort of dragged on a bit.

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"No," Brianne said. "No. Please... No."

"Brianne, please," Katy said, rubbing the girl's arm. "They just want to make sure that it has healed properly."

"Why can't you all come in with me?" Brianne asked.

"They'll only let one person, we agreed Natali would be best."

Brianne let out a puff of breath and began to cry. Clinging tightly to Katy's arm.

Katy pulled her gently into a hug, "It's gonna be okay, Bri, just go in with Natali."

"No, I want you and Milli too. Please."

"Just..." The doctor said looking at Brianne tiredly. "You can all come in."

Brianne, got up and walked into the Doctors office with Katy on one side and Milli on th either holding tightly to her hand.

"I'm Doctor Alma Dewberri," The doctor introduced herself.

"Where is the other guy?" Brianne whimpered quietly to Milli.

"I don't know," Milli whispered back. "Maybe he's just an emergency doctor?"

"So, what seems to be the issue?" Alma asked.

Natali explained the whole situation again. "So, we were told she'd need a check up, and thats what we're here for."

"Excellent. Let's have a look then."

Brianne, with the help of Katy, got her top off. She clutched Milli's hand super tight as Doctor Dewberri unwrapped the bandages.

Brianne cried out, as she pulled the last wrapping off the wounds. Tears began to fall as the doctor poked at the wounds causing a burn to shoot through her body.

"Well, it looks like it's healing up nicely." she said. "Much better than Doctor Axford was expecting to be honest. I'll prescribe you another two weeks worth of antibiotics. And I'd like to see her again in a fortnight. But if theres any change, especially, if it gets infected bring her back immediately."

"Thank you," Natali and Katy said.

"Remember to keep it clean, but otherwise continue to do as you have been."

She used clean bandages to redo the wrapping, before printing the prescription out and sending them on their way. Brianne didn't speak all the way out to the car, but she clung to Milli and didn't let go.

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Kitty, Oki and Mark had been up at the cabin, Katy and Kitty had been planning to stay at. The place was an absolute wreck.

It might have once been beautiful, made of logs with an A Frame structure and a smaller section off the side.

Kitty believed it may have once been two stories. But all the windows were broken, the chimney crumbled away at the top and inside it became clear the roof was probably leaking.

There had been a balcony off one side of the A frame wall, but that now lay in a pile on the ground. The place would need a huge amount of work. That's what they were all doing there now.

"I don't know, Kitty," Oki said looking up at the derelict building. "It needs a lot of work. Might be easier to just stay with us."

"I know. It definitely would be," Kitty agreed, "But, we can't stay there forever. Not only would we feel bad but there isn't enough room."

"Okay, but it could just be until you guys find another place to live."

"We've got one," Kitty gestured to the falling down cottage. "Sure, it needs work but..."

"I get it," Oki said. "I do. I just... We just want you to know that you and Katy don't have to be in a rush to leave."

"We know. Thanks."

"Uh guys..." Mark piped into their conversation.

He'd been poking around inside and shuffling glass around with the toe of his shoes.

"I don't want to be the downer in this situation, but it's gonna take more than a lot of work to fix this place."

"Yes, thank you Mark," Kitty smiled.

Mark pouted, and Kitty ruffled his hair.

"I was thinking we could start clearing out the floor level of all the ruin," Kitty said, "or perhaps clearing a small area around it. Not tonight obviously, we have to get back but... Soon."

"We'll talk to Katy when we get back and decide on our best course of action," Oki said. "Maybe we can bring everyone up here. Have a bit of a picnic. It might do Brianne some good to get out into the fresh air."

"Yeah!" Mark piped.

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"It'll be just like when we met you!" Mark cheered, looking between Katy and Natali with pleading eyes.

"Well," Katy chuckled, "maybe not just like but..."

"I don't know Mark," Brianne murmured. "It sounds fun, but I'm not sure I feel up to it."

"It's okay sweetie, you can take it slow, the girls are right, the air would be good for you," Natali told her. "I think it's a great idea, Mark."

"I could just go outside for a while," Brianne suggested.

"A change of scenery would be nice for a while too," Katy finally had some input, "and a picnic is a lovely idea."

They were all sleeping in the lounge room again, Brianne and Katy still slept in the couch and chair respectively. While Kitty and Oki slept on the floor. Mark lay on the other side of Oki and Milli inbetween Kitty and Oki.

They all had their own blanket plus a larger king sized blanket over all of them.

Everyone was soon asleep.

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Oki and Brianne were the first ones awake again. They headed to the kitchen, it was the first time Brianne had moved in over a week for more than just the toilet or showering.

Now, though she joins Oki in the kitchen. "It's been decided hasn't it?"

"What's that sweetie?"

"The picnic and clean up session."

Oki nodded. "I know you don't think you feel up to it, but... Well, you'll enjoy it when we get there."

"Maybe. I'm just..." Brianne trailed off.

She was just what? Hesitating to leave the house, because her blood family couldn't get to her there.

Oki waited for her to finish, when she didn't the older girl prompted her. "You're just what?"

Brianne sighed and whispered


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