Chapter Ten = Rescue And Concern

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Two police cars were parked on the far side of the rural street, lights out. Five people stood along the side of one car. An Officer stood on Markus' left and another on Genoise's right. In between them, a woman with dark brown hair, her arms crossed.

"We're screwed..." Kitty breathed.

The sisters didn't say a word, they already knew.

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"Oh," Genoise cried and hurried over to them. "Girls! I'm so glad you're okay."

She pulled Brianne and Katy into a hug. Both girls winced, Kitty noticed.

"Where were you girls?" The woman from the middle asked.

"Where you shouldn't of been able to find us," Kitty grumbled.

"I understand, you don't know who I am," she said. "But, I'm just trying to help you."

"You can't help us if we don't trust you," Kitty said. "We can't trust you if we don't know you."

"My name is Caroline."

"I'm Kitty," Kitty said. "This is Katy my best friend and her sister, Brianne."

"Why were you girls running away?" Caroline asked.

Kitty turned to Katy and mouthed, 'do we tell her?'

Katy shook her head.

"I can't help you, if you won't talk to me," Caroline repeated.

Brianne glanced towards her parents and then back to Caroline.

"It's nothing," she forced a smile. "We just wanted to see what it was like to survive in the wild."

"It was stupid really," Katy added.

"Well, I guess... hop in the squad cars we'll give you a ride home."

Brianne and Katy's shoulders sagged slightly, as the three girls began to head towards one car.

"There's only enough room for two in one car. Kitty you can ride with me," Caroline interupted them. "Kitty. You can ride with me."

"Bu-" Kitty started.

Katy grabbed her arm and turned her around.

"It's okay..." she said wide eyed. "we'll be okay."

Kitty pulled her into a hug, "call me if you can."

"I'll try," Katy promised.

Kitty bent down and gently hugged Brianne. "Stay strong okay?"

"O-ok," Brianne nodded her voice breaking.

Kitty rubbed Brianne's arm.

Brianne and Katy turned and walked toward the squad car.

Her heart broke for them.

She watched the two girls walk away with tears in her eyes. Everything she had done for the two of them and it hadn't been enough.

Just like it hadn't been enough for her own younger sisters.

I know you're in trouble and I won't fail you again.

I will save you...

I promise.

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Kitty sat quietly in the front seat of the police car. Caroline drove her home asking questions the whole way. Kitty answered with short answers. Her mind was reeling. She wished she knew what was going on with the sisters.

"So, what weren't you saying back there?" Caroline asked for like the tenth time in the half hour they'd been together in the car for.

Kitty didn't answer, for the tenth time.

"Please," Caroline asked. "I truly do want to help."

"If you wanted to help you wouldn't be doing what you're doing right now."

"What? Asking how i can help?"

"No. Taking me away from them and taking them back to their parents," Kitty muttered.

Caroline pulled over on the side of the road just outside of town. She turned the car off.

"What are you talking about?"

"You have no idea what you have done," Kitty told her.

"Then help me understand..."

"I wish I could, but it would only make everything worse."

"For who?"

"For them."

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After that Caroline retreated into her own head to think about the implications, while Kitty sat quietly absorbed in her own worries.

When Caroline stopped in the driveway Kitty climbed out wordlessly. She walked up and stopped on the front porch and looked back at the squad car, Caroline waved as she pulled out. Kitty waved back and headed inside.

"Ma Polly?"

"Kitty have you got the girls all settled?" Polly, Kitty's adopted Mum, asked.

"Not exactly..." Kitty sighed. "There was, a few complications."

"Not their parents?"

Kitty nodded. "Yeah."

"Are they going to be okay?"

"I don't know," Kitty's shoulders sagged. "I tried to keep them safe Ma, but... I failed."

"You didn't fail Gorgeous..." Polly patted the blue cushion beside her on the couch. "You couldn't do anything about this. None of it is your fault."

Kitty collapsed onto the seat beside her Mother. "I know... I just can't stop thinking about my own story."

Polly pulled her daughter into a hug. The two of them sat together in silence.

"So, what do you do now?"

"There is nothing. I have to wait for Katy to contact me, until then... I wait."

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"I kinda miss them already," Milli admitted to Oki.

"Me too," Oki confessed.

Oki was sitting at the living room table, Brianne's painting sitting beside her. She hadn't tried watercolour herself before, but figured she might as well have a try.

If she could remember what Brianne had done to start. Milli sat down beside her. "I hope they got away."

"Me too."

"Could you write to them?"

"Let's give them some more time," Oki said.

"Okay," Milli picked up her coloured pencils and began to draw sitting beside Oki.

The doorbell rang.

Oki had tucked Mark into bed about an hour ago promising to be up soon, and Natali was in the shower. She got up to answer the door.

"Milli, you should probably go to bed," Oki told her. "I'm just waiting for Natali to come out and then I'll be going after."

"Ok," Milli groaned as she got up and headed out to the hallway with Oki.

"I'll let you know if Katy answers me tonight. Ok?"

"Thanks Oki. See you in the morning."


Oki opened the front door and came face to face with Caroline.

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Now, we got to meet my Kitty's adopted family. I hope you like them.
Any guesses about what Caroline wants though?

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