Chapter Four = Lunch And Games

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A few minutes later Oki was running full speed through the forest. Milli sat on her back holding Okis clothes in one hand and a fistful of fur in the other. 

Oki bounded across the forest floor, her paws making barely any sound. 

It wasn't long until they arrived back at the house. Oki stopped at the bottom of the yard, behind a large tree. Oki shifted and Milli handed her, her clothes. 

"I'll be up in a minute," Oki told her as she started to get dressed. 

Milli jogged up the back yard and inside. She could hear her Mom in the kitchen, it sounded like she was just finishing lunch.

"I'm home Mom!" she called. "Oki'll be here in a minute too." 

"Hi Sweetheart, can you tell Mark lunch is ready?" Natali called. 

Milli ran upstairs, every step thumped as she went.

"Maaaaaarrk!" She yelled. 

He stuck his head out the door. "What's up Milli?" 

"Lunch is ready." 

"Okay. Thanks."

She went back down and Mark followed behind seconds later. Oki was already in the kitchen, back in her jean shorts and grey wolf tee. 

Natali had a large spread on the table. She'd made chicken caesar salad and a plain garden salad for Mark. But there was also lasagna and baloney and homemade French fries. 

Oki kept checking her phone as she ate until eventually she stood up. 

"Um, Natali… I have to go, but are there any leftovers?" 

"Yeah a little. Why?" 

"We're gonna have some guests eating with us." 

Oki ran outside. Milli watched her from the kitchen window as she entered the woods at the bottom of the yard. 

Milli realised that while she and Brianne were putting the food in the cave Oki must have gave the girls her number. And now they were coming here. Milli wondered if her Mom would let them sleep over. 

Probably not she realised, it was one thing to invite them to eat with them it was another to have three complete strangers sleeping in the house. 

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Brianne, Katy, Kitty, Oki and Milli were sitting in the loungeroom while Mark had offered to help Natali clean up after lunch. 

He didn't want to spend time with that many girls, he said. 

Natali couldn't blame him really.

Katy had asked Milli if she minded doing her hair, which Milli didn't. So Katy was sitting on the ground infront of the couch while Milli braided her hair. 

Brianne was brushing Oki's tail, she had asked permission and Oki had said it was fine. 

While Kitty and Oki were talking quietly about what it was like living with parents who weren't really their parents. 

"I've never really known anything else," Oki said. "Othelia, was the wolf who raised me and she's the only other parent I've really had." 

"Wow. What was it like being raised in the wild?" 

"I didn't really know anything else. That was my normal. It was different trying to survive on my own and a huge shock to the system when Natali took me in."

"I can just imagine." 

"What about you then?" Oki asked. 

Kitty stayed quiet for a moment wondering how much to reveal. 

"I lived with my real parents Madeira and Micheal for the first 5 years of my life. My little brother Arron was 3 when we were taken. Ma Polly and Dad formally adopted me, but Arron was returned to our parents."

"What happened?" 

"Our… Father was…  not a good person. At least, not to me. I haven't heard anything from any of them in years though."

Oki didn't push anymore. 

She noticed Brianne was almost finished brushing her tail out all smooth and silky. 

Milli finished Katy's hair. She'd braided it from the left  temple along the top of the head and zig zagged it down a few times, until she reached the bottom of Katy's head. Then she plaited it down over her right shoulder. 

"Thank you," Katy smiled. 

"It's not a problem." 

Kitty was watching Milli with interest, "do you mind doing mine as well?"

"Not at all."

Kitty's hair was much longer than Katy and Brianne's, so Milli asked for her to lay down.

Which Katy did and Milli combed it all up above her head. Then she braided it from the bottom of the head up to the top and looped it back down to the bottom and plaited it down Kitty's back.

It was like an archway on the back of her head.

Kitty's ribs hurt from laying on the ground so she rubbed at them before thanking Milli.

Milli responded as she had to both the other girls.

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Sometime later, Natali, Oki, Mark, Katy and Kitty were sitting on the couch. They had decided to play a game where they made up short skits.

It was Milli and Brianne's third turn and they had teamed up together for this one. They were gathered in the hallway discussing it. Milli entered first.

In her hands she carried a cup with a sip of water in the bottom. From the basket in the corner she pulled a blanket and sat it beside her.

She placed the teacup on the hearth to the fire. Before knocking twice on the wall. Her signal to Brianne.

Brianne pranced into the room, "Bonjour y'all," she drawled in a terrible French accent.

Milli leapt to her feet pulling the blanket with her.

"Oh My God," She fussed, wrapping the blanket around Brianne, "Where have you been?"

She grabbed the cup off the hearth, "Here have a cup of tea!!" Milli almost laughed at her own overly dramatic tone.

"We've been looking for you all night!"

Brianne swallowed the mouthful of water in one gulp and handed it back to Milli.

"I went to Paris," Brianne declared, still in a bad French accent.

"Ok, say that again…" Milli stated, her eyes shining with what should have been worry, but looked more like laughter. "But this time, make it make sense."

"I…  Went to… Paris…" Brianne faked a hiccup. "And…  got drunk…"

Then she giggled and stumbled forwards before tumbling to the ground.

Milli stared at her with mock horror.

And then Brianne let out a very real sounding groan.

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And the image up top is Brianne. She's not wearing that outfit but it's something she would wear.
In this the hair colour is more correct, so I've been informed.
This image by me.

When Feral Kids meet Runaways Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora