Chapter Sixteen = Doctors Visits And House Plans

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Brianne, Oki, Kitty and Natali were gathered in the bathroom. Oki sat on the edge of the tub while Brianne stood inside. The water pooling around their ankles, just below warm. Natali stood outside the bath with a cup to rinse Brianne's back. Kitty was just there for support.

Natali fills the cup with water, "I'm not gonna lie, this is going to hurt."

Brianne laughed humorlessly.

As Natali poured the water down her back, Brianne gasped and her knees buckled.
She'd been expecting pain but she hadn't been expecting it to hurt so much.
She and Katy had always helped each other and it had never hurt this much. She wasn't used to someone else helping her.

Oki reached out and grabbed her under the arms, holding her up before she fell too far. Brianne panted through her nose as Natali continued to rinse her back. They were all wincing imagining the pain Brianne must be going through.

Almost an hour later, they had Brianne out, clean and dry. Natali and Kitty bandaged it up carefully, and then helped her dress in the pajamas that Oki and Milli had chosen.
A pair of Milli's boxers under Oki's black pants and an oversized black tee.

Out in the lounge Milli helped Brianne onto the couch, while Oki and Natali went to ask Katy if she needed some help applying the vitamin K cream to her back.

Katy nodded and went with them to the bathroom. Natali and Oki sat down with her on the bathroom floor.

"How does this work?" Katy asked.

"We aren't entirely sure," Oki admitted. "Harold found the information for us, but it's supposed to help with bruising and swelling."

Katy pulled the strap of her tank top down and slid it around her waist, wincing with even that movement.

Natali rubbed the cream onto her back working around the straps of her bra.

Oki squeezed out more cream when she needed it.

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"Want to play a round of spoons?" Kitty asked.

"Sure," Katy said.

"I uhh... I think I might just sit this one out," Brianne said.

"What is Spoons?" Natali asked.

"Oh, it's a card game," Brianne explained. "You haven't played?"

Natali shook her head.

"How many of us are there?" Brianne asked.

Natali counted them all, ticking people off on her fingers. "Nine, not including the wolves."

So, eight not including me," Brianne said. "You'll need seven spoons and a deck of cards, minus the jokers."

"We have both of those," Milli piped. "Mark, can you grab the spoons?"

She ran off to grab the card deck from the games cupboard. Soon both Milli and Mark had returned.

"Was that everything?" Mark asked.


As Brianne explained the rest of the rules, Kitty started to deal the cards.

After the first three rounds, Katy, Milli, Oki and Polly were left in.
Harold lost the first round after not realising that Natali had picked up a spoon until everyone else had bet him to the rest.
Mark lost the second round, Milli bet him to the final spoon by just milliseconds.
Natali lost the next round because she got distracted making sure Brianne was okay after hearing her groan.

When Feral Kids meet Runaways Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora