*•.♡ Sudden Surprises ♡.•*

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WARNING: I am not responsible for the brain dmg caused by this story 0_0




"I'm just...not ready,"

"Not right now, " you repeated, massaging your temples as you flipped through all the documents cluttering your desk. The sunlight pouring in from the windows felt warm but did nothing to help the troubles swirling through your mind. Sighing, you crossed your arms and looked up at the woman in front of you. Dressed in a fur coat, a neck covered in pearls with a firm expression on her face, your mother was not someone to mess with.

"Why don't we wait a bit longer, mother?"

"If we keep waiting, it's never going to happen," she replied, her mouth set in a firm line, setting another stack of paper on your desk.

Marriage proposals, that's what they were. From nobles and heads of villages all over the luscious lands of Inazuma. As head of one of the most successful clans that flourished on Narukami Island, your life wasn't all flowers and roses.

Starting at the young age of 16, after your father passed away, you stepped up to fill in his position as head of the Miyazaki estate. You had worked hard to build the estate into a wealthy and well-known one, second only to the famous Kamisato Estate. You had accomplished many things and now the only thing people wanted you to do was to get married. It was starting to annoy you.

Your back started to ache just looking at the proposals, but the smile on your face didn't crumble.

"Alright mom, I'll look through the proposals," you replied, stretching. You knew you were throwing them all away as soon as she left.

"I'll leave you to it then. I've picked out many lovely suitors because I only want the best for you okay?" She said, her lips curving into a smile.

"Yes, mother..."

You loved your mother and she loved you. After your father passed away, she was the only one you had to lean on, and you didn't have the heart to refuse her.

After she left, you stretched your tired arms and gazed out the window at the setting sun. You smiled at the flowing green grass as it swayed below a pinkish-orange sky, wondering if you could ever live with the same unrestrained feeling.

Sighing, you felt your mouth set into a grim frown as your gaze shifted back to the thick stack of letters asking for your hand in marriage. "This won't do," you insisted, standing up. Your room was by far one of the biggest in the estate, yet you still felt trapped by the four gray walls you saw every day. You strode out the door after with a smirk grabbing your jacket as you did.

Those marriage proposals would just have to wait.




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ℂ𝕣𝕪𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕝𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕤 ♡.•* //Kamisato Ayato x(FEM)ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora