Season 2, Ugly ass Infernal

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"So, Shin..."

The sounds of people laughing was heard everywhere in the bustling street, yet all Shinra could focus on was his friend's smiling face.

"Hm? What is it, Shinra?"

Shin smiled awkwardly, his lips shaking from being lifted for too long as his eyes squinted in an attempt of what people called the 'close-eyed smile'.

Needless to say, it was embarrassing.
Right after Shin was discharged, he was dragged along by Shinra, Maki, Tamaki, and Sister Iris into a day out. Which by the way, was not what Shin wanted at all.

"S-Shin! What's with you lately, huh?! You've just been discharged from the hospital, yet you're planning on killing us with that...that...!"

Maki fumbled with her words, her face a bright red as she tried to hide behind her fellow meat shield Tamaki, who was just trying to eat her ice cream.

Sister Iris only continued on with enjoying her sweet treat, while admiring the scene infront of her with a wide smile on her face.

"What, is there something wrong with my face??"

Shin scratched his forehead, now feeling extremely embarrassed from his hopeless attempt at smiling. If only mother hadn't said that as her last words!

If it wasn't already known, Shin was not used to smiling since he had always found it troublesome and strangely stiff.

However, he had made it a point for him to carry out his mother's last wishes for him, which was to 'smile more'. That's what he remembered, anyway.

"A-Ahem! Lets carry on with our shopping, or whatever..."

Shin coughed, a light blush of embarrassment on his face as he tried to run away from his problems for the millionth time.

"...Perhaps he hurt his head in the hospital."

Yup, that's definitely what happened.


"Wow, Shin! You look great!"

Maki started snapping pictures of Shin dressed up in a girl's dress, his hair down and everything.


Shinra couldn't hold back his laughter as soon as his eyes landed on the flustered Shin, who was trying to hide from Maki's phone behind the curtains of the changing room.

"I didn't sign up for this, and stop laughing Shinra!"

Shin frowned, throwing random punches towards his friend which almost decapitated him, but whatever.

Suddenly, there was an explosion. People were heard running around the street, fleeing to any place they deemed suitably safe from the scene.

Everyone soon ran outside the store to assess the situation, while poor Shin was trying his best to get out of the dress he was forced in.

"I'll be in charge of this emergency protocol. Shinra, get over to the site fast to assess the situation. Bring Shin along for extra manpower!"


Shinra hurriedly ran towards Shin, who had barely managed to get his shirt back on. Carrying him in his arms, Shinra shot off into the air, heading towards the explosion site.

"Damn, that's a pretty big explosion."

Shin casually said, yawning a bit after his sentence. Looks like his old lazy habits may never disappear. Shinra sweat dropped, but focused on the objective at hand.

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