⚠️Updated!⚠️ List of abilities (:D)

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Oopsies, I'm back. :P

After alot of thinking, I've come up with a more simple and easy-to-follow set of abilities that our dear reader can have!

There are actually quite a few significant changes, so I suggest you read this first.


•Ashen flame.

Given Name- Ash. (original, I know.)

~The purest type of flame known (mostly unknown) to mankind, which is leagues above the famed Adolla Burst. Inherited from Shin's late father, Yusuke Hitoka.

~Shin has gained complete control of his flames through training, allowing him to specifically target those he wants to damage without hurting others.

~These flames are special as they follow the will of their master, and thus cannot be manipulated by anyone else.

~If given a name, it is bound to an eternal bond with the user, growing stronger overall as well as growing closer with it's user.

~These flames cannot be extinguished without burning everything (that the owner wants to burn) in its path, meaning it is a highly deadly and ruthless attack.

•Constant heat manipulation barrier

~A strong barrier inherited from Shin's mother, Aoshin Hitoka.

~Blocks all that endangers Shin, only allowing those with good intentions to pass through it.

~Able to wrap itself around those that Shin commands it to.

~Always active when Shin is awake, inactive when he is asleep or unconscious.

•Fire manipulation

~Being the bearer of such pure flames, other forms of flame do not stand a chance against a monster like Shin.

~Shin is able to block, absorb, and reflect any sort of pyrokinetic attack sent towards him or his allies. At quite a big range, at that.

~Shin can make his flames into different shapes and forms, just for the sake of fun hehe.

~Shin is able to sense heat signatures from afar, but has no means of discerning their intentions.


~Honestly for this, I had thought that it was a bit extra considering his already god-like speed, but I'm hesitant to completely remove it, so it's still here but rarely (and I mean VERY rarely) used.

•Combat prowess

~A highly efficiently trained soldier in the area of hand-to-hand combat, so let's just say he is pretty amazing.

~His normal and non-charged attacks do not require his energy, yet pack quite the punch considering it comes from a human.

~When he focuses energy on his fists, the impacts are so huge that they are able to cause literal earthquakes.

•Inhuman Speed

~Shin is incredibly fast that when he runs, you won't even be able to track him with your eyes.

~Shin has a godly amount of stamina and strength, so running at blinding speeds for long periods of time is really no biggie for the aloof man-child.


And I think that is all.

The reason I am reducing Shin's abilities to such an extent is really because he's much too op as he already is.

Making him more op really hinders the fight scenes that I am planning to involve him in, and it'd be the same cycle of holding back everytime his fighting over and over again.

I'm planning on making Shin's fighting style more barbaric, just cause I think it's more fun to write and adds as a contradiction to his rather plain and bland personality. In other words, his true colors only reflect itself when in a battlefield.

Additional info:

•What about the three golden rings?

~I've decided to change this aspect from being a physically wielded type of weapon to something that works inside of Shin.

~These rings were actually given to him by his mother as a way to keep his Ashen flame a secret and therefore hidden from the public, storing itself in the rings themselves.

~Since he's learnt to come to terms with the Ashen flames inside of him, the three golden rings will return back to its original owners, which is Shin's body of course.

•Finger gun?

~I think I'm done with playing around with his character, so I gotta make Shin a teeny weeny bit more mature, ya know? Don't worry, I plan on keeping the previously lazy and carefree attitude of his since I enjoy contrasts.

~Instead of using commands like these, Shin's really going to go ham on his opponents by shooting out fire from his palms like a badass.


Stay tuned for Season two.

...If you want. 🤓👍

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