The strongest Fire Soldier vs Company 8

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"Captain, I don't think he is joking around." Hinawa affirmed, already taking his gun out.

"Wait a minute! Please, we don't wanna fight you!" No matter how much Obi tried to convince the 7th's captain, there really wasn't a way of getting out of this predicament without a fight. That's what Shin was sure of.

"Then go ahead and defeat me, and prove to me what you really want!" Shinmon declared.

'Damn it, he's too cool.' Shin blushed abit in admiration. Shin thought that he was just a lazy potato sack at first, but it was obvious he cared about his people. Not like he could talk about the lazy part, but whatever.

While Shin was lost in thought, the fight had already begun.Shinmon had sent a big fireball towards the 8th's way, which Maki had blocked relatively easily.

"We are also Fire Soldiers, please do not understimate us." Maki stated calmly, with a hint of anger in her tone. What a cool senior she was. Only it would've been cool, if the fire around her didn't form back, creating an explosion she barely dodged.

"Damn it." Shin tsked, folding his arms while he watched the scene. There was no way the team could defeat Shinmon, but at the same time, Shin didn't want to fight too much as he would end up damaging the town. Even his most controlled attacks would somehow damage the surroundings. Shinmon wasn't a bad person, and this town didn't have bad people. That much was apparent to Shin.

"Hinawa, Maki,Tamaki,Shinra and Arthur, I will only be defending from the back. Please do your best." Shin informed the team, to which they had hesitantly nodded. They knew Shin was strong, so without his help in fighting power, it was going to be a tough battle ahead. Shinmon Benimaru was the strongest fire soldier after all.

Honestly, Shin was surprised. Shinmon was able to completely dominate the battle with only his bare hands. There wasn't even a single pyrokinesis attack he could defend against.

'Now I feel like a useless fool.' Shin grumbled under his** breath.

Just then, something more alarming had caught his attention as his body instinctively froze up.

"Iai chop, form 1... Fire Moon." Shinmon had sent a delayed attack, which would have hit both Hinawa and Arthur if Shin didn't completely absorb it just seconds before that happened. Sure, he could've deflected it, but again, he didn't want to destroy the town.

Shin looked directly at Shinmon, straight in the eye.

"Please stop just a second and listen to us, you stubborn man." Shin's eyes glowed a menacing blue. " It's almost my regular bed time."

Hinawa and Arthur sweatdropped at the boy, before turning serious yet again shortly after. Their most powerful recruit might just be ghe most oblivious.

"Damn it, don't mess with me you little brat." Eh? brat? Shin was 18, a young adult! "Stop hiding behind your teammates and fight me head on!" Shinmon agitatedly mocked, making Shin grow an irk mark.

"Hah?! I'm only doing this so I dont destroy your town, you dipshit!" Shin rebuked, both of them sending eachother glares.

Honestly, Shinmon was surprised. He had deliberately made his attack slightly delayed, yet this boy was able to absorb all of it with a finger like it was nothing. Just what kind of monster was he?

Just then, Obi had arrived in full armor. Due to him having absolutely no pyrokinesis what so ever, this was necessary for him whenever heading into battle.

"What have you done with my men?" Obi was completely furious, even Shin had a little shiver. Shin couldn't stand Obi's wrath and didn't have the energy to anyways, so he always followed only his orders. What a scary man he was.

During the two's fight, Shin did not plan to interfere. This was simply to show that even though Obi did not have any pyrokinetic abilities like the rest of them, he still was as competent of a fighter. Something Shin had admired about him since day one.

' Obi will definitely be able to do it, he's our captain after all.' Shin let out a small smile, observing the match that was taking place.

Though Shinmon was firing quite alot attacks, Obi did not lose his ground whatsoever. The two were constantly fighting hand-to-hand, one consistently dominating the other. Heck, Obi was grenade-ing the hell out of Shinmon, it sure was entertaining for Shin to watch. Obi even headbutted the strongest fire soldier for crying aloud.

"Pfft." Shin held his laughter in the best he could, making the others around him deadpan at him, still worrying about their captain. Yes, Shinmon was holding back quite abit, as he too did not want to blow up the town, but Obi was doing quite the good job.

"You're not one to shy away, are you?"
Shinmon questioned.

"There's no way I could possibly shy away. I've taken being the captain of the 8th upon myself!" Obi confidently proclaimed, earning shocked looks from the team. Even Shin had a hint of blush, nodding profusely to his Captain's heartwarming speech.

"Is the caotain really that strong?" Shinra curiously asked.

"What, did you think the caotain was weak?" Hinawa answered. "But still, I can't bear to watch him fight so recklessly."

"Eh, why? I think it's pretty cool." Shin said, the sparkles of admiration in his eyes glowing as bright as it will ever be.

"What's with all this ruckus?" Konro had just arrived to the scene. The twins had explained the situation to him, making him shocked to say the least.

"You won't go down without a full-fledged attack, then?" Shinmon was getting ready his stance, making Konro immediately head over as quick as he could with his weak body.

Shinmon was making what looked like a fire of circle, making Shin tilt his head in confusion.

"Iai chop, form Seven: Sun Wheel."

Oh shit. Before Shinmon could use that attack, Konro had already stopped him, going as far as to use his pyrokinesis even when he absolutely should not. This made Shinmon stop immediately out of worry for his friend.

"Hikage!Hinata! Bring me a cooling blanket!" Shinmon commanded in panic.

"Roger!" The twins complied.

"Waka, why don't you at least hear out what the 8th has to say?" Konro, who was panting heavily, said. With that, Shinmon sighed in compliance.

'Damn, what a day.' Shin tiredly sighed, glad it was finally over.

Or so he thought.

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