The demon

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'Ah... my body's hot.' Shin thought, grasping his clothes, the same he always wore, tightly. His heart was suddenly beating fast, he didn't know what it was but it felt good.

" Devil, your flames are the kind that exterminates mankind."

The girl turns to Shin, whose eyes were glowing a bright blue as his hands were trembling.

"And that boy... For some reason he is not affected by such flames. We have been given instructions to eliminate him as soon as possible, though it seems to be an even harder task than first imagined."

'Ugh... Shut the hell up.' Shin couldn't even talk, his body was reacting so excitingly, as if his adrenaline was suddenly coming in all at once. ' I want to fight so badly!'

While Shin was distracted, the sniper girl had already disappeared, leaving Arthur, Shinra and him to deal with the demon.

"Ah... Dammit." Shin cursed aloud, slightly calming down from his sudden outburst. 'Just what was that? Is my body so full of energy that it needs to be let out?'

For Shin, that was the case. You see, since his body has alot of energy reserves, and he rarely uses any of it or alot of it, when he constantly absorbs new ones, his body overheats on the inside. This leads to him instinctively have the need to release it all, making it harder for him to control his fighting urges.

"Shinra, Shin! A little help here?!" Arthur exclaimed for help as he was getting tossed around by the demon, snapping Shin out of his thoughts.

"Arthur!" Shinra was about to attack the demon, but the demon had sent out a huge fireball, which Shin had immediately blocked. The shockwave was so strong that it literally blew Shinra and Arthur away.

"What firepower..." Shin marveled, looking at his opponent with widened eyes. Damn this adrenaline, he might be mistakened as some battle freak now. Not like Shin cared, as that really wasn't far from the truth.

The demon swiftly sent another punch, which Shin blocked again with little effort.

"Haha! Is that all you've got?" Shin mocked the demon, the adrenaline was too much to handle. Shin had to let off some steam.

Shin enveloped his fists in flames, jumping in and continuously punched the demon, to which the demon was fast enough to block.Finally, an opponent Shin could actually enjoy fighting.

This continued on for a long time, with Shin throwing multiple fire-powered punches every second, and the demon managing to block most of them. Shinra and Arthur could only watch, stunned, as their senior fought the demon so easily without using any of his skills. Who could blame them? This was the first time Shin had ever gone ham on an opponent before.

That was when a fireball had headed straight to the both of them, to which Shin had blocked.

"You're facing me now." Shinmon, who was flying on his broom thing , announced, annoying Shin.

"Get out of here, this is MY prey." Shin glared, his piercing blue eyes making it all the more menacing.

Shinmon landed infront of Shin, who was now facing his way, casually blocking the demon's attacks.



Shinmon sighed, watching as the demon thrashed around in the grip of Shin's hands. It couldn't even get out of his iron grip, nor could it attack Shin cause of his barrier.

"Two years ago, a horned infernal appeared here in Asakusa. It's the reason why Konro has his tephrosis." Shinmon explained. "Stay out if this, I'm taking this fight."

Shin looked at Shinmon's determined expression, and back at the demon, before sighing. Shin let go of the demon, making it lunge straight at him, which he dodged and jumped back up the rooftop.

"Take it, I'm tired anyways." Shin complained, folding his arms and frowning deeply. "Only because you're doing this for a friend."

With a nod of gratitude, Shinmon made quick work with the demon. He used his fire-powered brooms to lift both him and the demon up to the sky, making sure that there was enough space for him to carry out his attack without any damage on the town.

Just then, an arrow was sent up towards the flying Shinmon, alwrting everyone on ground.

'Dammit... If only I were a little closer.'
Shin was unable to reach such a length to stop the arrow, which he didnt need to do as Shinra had already headed towards it, attempting to stop it before it hit the fighting Shinmon.

With Shinra successfully redirecting the arrow away from Shinmon, the captain if the 7th was able to extravagantly eliminate the demon.
Shinra even carried him princess style back to the ground.

As they landed, Shin was quick to burst into a fit of laughter, something he'd never do if it wasn't for his body right now.

"I guess the strongest fire soldier is also the company's princess, huh?" Shin joked, making the surrounding company 7 members and Konro laugh.

"Shut up, you brat." Shinmon grew an irk mark. He really did not like this brat. Or did he?

"That was quite some fire power!" Obi jumped in, complimenting the 7th's captain.

While the two companies were having their own conversations, Shin had excluded himself from the batch, already laughing off the last of his adrenaline.

' It seems that due to me constantly holding back, my body is starting to heat up from the inside.' Shin put his hand on his chest, feeling the pulse of his beating heart. 'If I release it all, I might as well burn everything down. That evangelist guy seems to be after me too for some reason.'

With so many problems Shin was dealing with, there was no way for him to be able to have a peaceful sleep tonight. Which just added one more problem to his list.

Well that was what he thought, but now that all the adrenaline was gone, he was starting to feel tired from suddenly fighting so excitedly just now.

"Ah...damn it all..." And with that, our protagonist fell into deep slumber, yet again forgetting about all his problems as he wandered off to dreamland.

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